1、They were find a diamond necklace on the road.───他们惊讶地在路边发现了一条钻石项链。
2、When you find a diamond that belongs to nobody, it is yours.───如果你发现了一颗没有主人的钻石,那么这颗钻石就是属于你的。
find a diamond(英语使用场景)
1、How can I create the perfect lens? Leeuwenhoek wrote back: Find a diamond of one hundred and forty carats.
2、Simon, I have just come from Madame Vulpes. She gave me some important information that will help me find the perfect lens. If only I could find a diamond that weighs one hundred forty carats!
3、If only I could find a diamond that weighs one hundred forty carats!
find a diamond(意思翻译)
find a diamond(相似词语短语)
1、diamond cut diamond───adv.棋逢对手;棋逢对手; 强中自有强中手; 针尖儿对麦芒儿; 硬碰硬
2、find a doll───找个洋娃娃
3、diamond───n.钻石,金刚石;菱形;方块牌;adj.菱形的;金刚钻的;n. (Diamond)(英、意、葡)戴蒙德;(法)迪亚蒙(人名)
4、find a balance───找到平衡点
5、find a home───找个家
6、a rough diamond───内秀外粗的人;n.未加工的天然钻石,浑金璞玉
7、find a place───找个地方
9、find a solution───找到解决办法
find a diamond(双语使用场景)
1、They were find a diamond necklace on the road.───他们惊讶地在路边发现了一条钻石项链。
2、When you find a diamond that belongs to nobody, it is yours.───如果你发现了一颗没有主人的钻石,那么这颗钻石就是属于你的。
find a diamond(英语使用场景)
1、How can I create the perfect lens? Leeuwenhoek wrote back: Find a diamond of one hundred and forty carats.
2、Simon, I have just come from Madame Vulpes. She gave me some important information that will help me find the perfect lens. If only I could find a diamond that weighs one hundred forty carats!
3、If only I could find a diamond that weighs one hundred forty carats!