1、Qatar Airways said one of the packages traveled without detection on two separate passenger jets, from San'a to Doha and then to Dubai.───卡塔尔航空公司 (Qatar Airways)说,其中一个包裹搭乘了两架不同的客机,都没有被发现,先是由萨那飞往多哈,然后又飞到迪拜。
2、Also, it is possible for an active adversary to substitute and exchange individual blocks without detection.───另外,随时准备攻击的对手可能在您没有察觉的情况下替代和交换个别的块。
3、Multiple commissions of the ACTS mentioned in the two preceding paragraphs without detection shall be calculated on an accumulated basis.───对多次犯有前两款行为,未经处理的,按照累计数额计算。
4、Knoppix 2 boots to text mode, without starting X. failsafe starts up with minimal hardware detection.───knoppix 2引导到文本模式,不启动x。failsafe启动时进行最小化的硬件检测。
5、it would be impossible for Potter to enter Hogsmeade without detection, let alone the school.───波特进入霍格莫德都不可能不被察觉,更不用说学校了。
6、A company showed a new voice technology able to produce such a convincing human-sounding voice that it was able to speak to a receptionist and book a reservation without detection.───公司展示了一种新的语音技术,这种技术能够制造逼真的人声,能够在不被察觉的情况下与接待员通话并预订房间。
7、They used the stuffed animals to transport the drugs without detection.───他们通过填充动物不被察觉地运输DuPin。
8、Used to cloak himself while infiltrating enemy ranks and eliminating targets without detection.───可以使自身隐形,从而渗透进敌方并神不知鬼不觉地消灭目标。
9、Multiple commissions of the ACTS mentioned in the two preceding paragraphs without detection shall be calculated on an accumulated basis.───多次犯有前两款行为,未经处理的,按照累计数额计算。
without detection(英语使用场景)
1、If the data to be protected is already encrypted, then authenticity requires that a cryptanalyst would not be able to substitute a false ciphertext without detection.
2、I wonder how many years unqualified people could pass themselves off as consultant thoracic surgeons, for example, without detection.
without detection(意思翻译)
without detection(相似词语短语)
1、collision detection───碰撞检测;[计]冲突检出
2、anomaly detection───异常检测;异常发现;[计]异态检测
3、detection dogs───探测犬
4、radar detection───雷达侦测;雷达探测
5、detection risk───[审计]检查风险
6、detection wow───检测哇
8、detection determination───检测测定
9、detection definition───检测定义
without detection(双语使用场景)
1、Qatar Airways said one of the packages traveled without detection on two separate passenger jets, from San'a to Doha and then to Dubai.───卡塔尔航空公司 (Qatar Airways)说,其中一个包裹搭乘了两架不同的客机,都没有被发现,先是由萨那飞往多哈,然后又飞到迪拜。
2、Also, it is possible for an active adversary to substitute and exchange individual blocks without detection.───另外,随时准备攻击的对手可能在您没有察觉的情况下替代和交换个别的块。
3、Multiple commissions of the ACTS mentioned in the two preceding paragraphs without detection shall be calculated on an accumulated basis.───对多次犯有前两款行为,未经处理的,按照累计数额计算。
4、Knoppix 2 boots to text mode, without starting X. failsafe starts up with minimal hardware detection.───knoppix 2引导到文本模式,不启动x。failsafe启动时进行最小化的硬件检测。
5、it would be impossible for Potter to enter Hogsmeade without detection, let alone the school.───波特进入霍格莫德都不可能不被察觉,更不用说学校了。
6、A company showed a new voice technology able to produce such a convincing human-sounding voice that it was able to speak to a receptionist and book a reservation without detection.───公司展示了一种新的语音技术,这种技术能够制造逼真的人声,能够在不被察觉的情况下与接待员通话并预订房间。
7、They used the stuffed animals to transport the drugs without detection.───他们通过填充动物不被察觉地运输DuPin。
8、Used to cloak himself while infiltrating enemy ranks and eliminating targets without detection.───可以使自身隐形,从而渗透进敌方并神不知鬼不觉地消灭目标。
9、Multiple commissions of the ACTS mentioned in the two preceding paragraphs without detection shall be calculated on an accumulated basis.───多次犯有前两款行为,未经处理的,按照累计数额计算。
without detection(英语使用场景)
1、If the data to be protected is already encrypted, then authenticity requires that a cryptanalyst would not be able to substitute a false ciphertext without detection.
2、I wonder how many years unqualified people could pass themselves off as consultant thoracic surgeons, for example, without detection.