1、Jia said the Chinese government pursues the foreign policy of "being a good neighbor and partner" with its neighboring countries.───JiaQingLin说,中国政府奉行“与邻为善,以邻为伴”的周边外交政策。
2、China cherishes the long-term friendship with ASEAN countries and would like to be a good neighbor, friends and partner of ASEAN countries.───中国珍视同东盟国家的传统友谊,愿与东盟国家永做好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴。
3、To launch a good neighbor award, put nomination boxes around the neighborhood in coffee shops, libraries, schools, and community centers.───在周围的咖啡馆,图书馆,学校和社区中心附近设置提名箱,启动一个好邻居奖。
4、It was the only sensible economic course, and by taking it, we proved ourselves to be, once again, a good neighbor.───这是惟一有意义的经济方针,通过这么做,我们自己再一次证明,我国是一个好邻邦。
5、When something really awful happens to you, like a death in the family, a good neighbor will volunteer to help in any way he can.───当你遇到非常糟糕的事情,比如家人去世,一个好邻居会尽其所能去帮助你。
6、He was a good neighbor.───他是个挺好的邻居。
7、Be a good neighbor.───做个好邻居。
8、i'm not going to engage in hypothetical here. i'm just trying to be a good neighbor.───我不是再搞什么匪夷所思。我只是想当个好邻居。
9、China has proved itself to be a good neighbor, good friend and good partner of the surrounding countries.───中国用实际行动证明,自己是周边国家的好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴。
a good neighbor(英语使用场景)
1、He was a good neighbor and well respected for honoring his word.
2、Nor is Bob anywise a good neighbor.
3、And like a good neighbor, State Farm has been doing public awareness work, taking an active stance against texting while driving as part of a campaign tied to its auto insurance division.
a good neighbor(意思翻译)
a good neighbor(相似词语短语)
1、neighbor adley───邻居阿德利
2、incisors neighbor───门牙邻
3、downstairs neighbor───楼下邻居
4、elath neighbor───以拉他邻居
5、neighbor harassment───邻居Sao扰
6、queensland neighbor───昆士兰邻居
8、clavicles neighbor───锁骨邻居
9、neighbor games───邻居小游戏
a good neighbor(双语使用场景)
1、Jia said the Chinese government pursues the foreign policy of "being a good neighbor and partner" with its neighboring countries.───JiaQingLin说,中国政府奉行“与邻为善,以邻为伴”的周边外交政策。
2、China cherishes the long-term friendship with ASEAN countries and would like to be a good neighbor, friends and partner of ASEAN countries.───中国珍视同东盟国家的传统友谊,愿与东盟国家永做好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴。
3、To launch a good neighbor award, put nomination boxes around the neighborhood in coffee shops, libraries, schools, and community centers.───在周围的咖啡馆,图书馆,学校和社区中心附近设置提名箱,启动一个好邻居奖。
4、It was the only sensible economic course, and by taking it, we proved ourselves to be, once again, a good neighbor.───这是惟一有意义的经济方针,通过这么做,我们自己再一次证明,我国是一个好邻邦。
5、When something really awful happens to you, like a death in the family, a good neighbor will volunteer to help in any way he can.───当你遇到非常糟糕的事情,比如家人去世,一个好邻居会尽其所能去帮助你。
6、He was a good neighbor.───他是个挺好的邻居。
7、Be a good neighbor.───做个好邻居。
8、i'm not going to engage in hypothetical here. i'm just trying to be a good neighbor.───我不是再搞什么匪夷所思。我只是想当个好邻居。
9、China has proved itself to be a good neighbor, good friend and good partner of the surrounding countries.───中国用实际行动证明,自己是周边国家的好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴。
a good neighbor(英语使用场景)
1、He was a good neighbor and well respected for honoring his word.
2、Nor is Bob anywise a good neighbor.
3、And like a good neighbor, State Farm has been doing public awareness work, taking an active stance against texting while driving as part of a campaign tied to its auto insurance division.