1、Officials say rapid response teams of health personnel have been placed into position in seven cities around the country so they can quickly respond to any additional cases.───有关官员们说,医务人员快速反应小组已经被部署到全国的7个城市,以便对任何增加的病例作出快速反应。
2、With this relatively rapid removal of weight, the crust rebounded and bulged slightly up from its previous position.───由于这种相对急剧的卸重作用,地壳反弹回升,从先前位置略微隆起。
3、A Rapid Position Control System of Using Computer───计算机快速位置XiTong控制
4、This article deals with the realization of a rapid position control of the digital servo system through double mode control.───本文研究用双模控制实现数字位置随动XiTong的快速控制。
rapid position(意思翻译)
rapid position(相似词语短语)
1、rapid growth───快速增长;快速生长
3、rapid transit───高速交通;高速铁路交通;快速运输;n.高速交通
4、rapid progress───快速的进展;飞速的发展;[医]快速进展
5、rapid pace───快速的步伐
7、rapid relief───快速缓解
8、rapid zone───急流带
9、rapid rinse───快速冲洗
rapid position(双语使用场景)
1、Officials say rapid response teams of health personnel have been placed into position in seven cities around the country so they can quickly respond to any additional cases.───有关官员们说,医务人员快速反应小组已经被部署到全国的7个城市,以便对任何增加的病例作出快速反应。
2、With this relatively rapid removal of weight, the crust rebounded and bulged slightly up from its previous position.───由于这种相对急剧的卸重作用,地壳反弹回升,从先前位置略微隆起。
3、A Rapid Position Control System of Using Computer───计算机快速位置XiTong控制
4、This article deals with the realization of a rapid position control of the digital servo system through double mode control.───本文研究用双模控制实现数字位置随动XiTong的快速控制。