5、one too many───多余的一个;多余的;许多的;多余; 碍手碍脚; 多余的一个; <美口>过量的酒
6、too many rules───太多的规则
7、too many cats───猫太多了
8、tyga too many───太多了
9、too many people───太多人
too many dog(双语使用场景)
1、Oh! No; he stole as many apples as he wanted and came down all right; and he was all ready for the dog too, and knocked him endways11 with a brick when he came to tear him.───总之,绝没有那回事;吉姆偷够了苹果之后,安然爬下树来;对那条大狗,他也早有准备,那条狗一扑过来,他就一砖头扔过去,把它打了个四仰八叉。
2、Although no one knows what those mummies were eating, it's safe to say they never encountered a corn dog. Too many of those things will lead you to an early tomb.───虽然没有人清楚那些木乃伊生前平时都吃些什么,不过他们没吃过玉米热狗倒是真的,那玩意儿要是吃得太多,真的会让你早早就进坟墓的。
3、The people who against the guide dog argue that there was too many case the dog attack innocent passerby, especially for the little kid, they have on ability to fight back, it could be fatal.───反对导盲犬的人争论说现在有很多事例都是狗袭击无辜路人的,特别是小孩子,他们没有能力反击,这可是致命的。
too many dog(意思翻译)
too many dog(相似词语短语)
1、many too───太多了
2、too many day───太多的一天
3、too many cars───车太多了
4、too many use───使用过多
5、one too many───多余的一个;多余的;许多的;多余; 碍手碍脚; 多余的一个; <美口>过量的酒
6、too many rules───太多的规则
7、too many cats───猫太多了
8、tyga too many───太多了
9、too many people───太多人
too many dog(双语使用场景)
1、Oh! No; he stole as many apples as he wanted and came down all right; and he was all ready for the dog too, and knocked him endways11 with a brick when he came to tear him.───总之,绝没有那回事;吉姆偷够了苹果之后,安然爬下树来;对那条大狗,他也早有准备,那条狗一扑过来,他就一砖头扔过去,把它打了个四仰八叉。
2、Although no one knows what those mummies were eating, it's safe to say they never encountered a corn dog. Too many of those things will lead you to an early tomb.───虽然没有人清楚那些木乃伊生前平时都吃些什么,不过他们没吃过玉米热狗倒是真的,那玩意儿要是吃得太多,真的会让你早早就进坟墓的。
3、The people who against the guide dog argue that there was too many case the dog attack innocent passerby, especially for the little kid, they have on ability to fight back, it could be fatal.───反对导盲犬的人争论说现在有很多事例都是狗袭击无辜路人的,特别是小孩子,他们没有能力反击,这可是致命的。