chef tables(意思翻译)
chef tables(相似词语短语)
2、pastry chef───糕点厨师;西式糕点主厨
3、head chef───主厨
4、trainee chef───见习厨师
5、side tables───靠墙的桌子
6、chef pepe───佩佩局长
7、alphonsine tables───阿方辛表
8、battalia chef───巴塔利亚厨师
9、capital chef───大厨
chef tables(双语使用场景)
1、war this man had been a chef, and his one crime was feeding the people who sat at his tables in small clouds of smoke and talked politics.───战前这人是个厨师,他的一项罪名是为前来就餐的人们提供食物,这些人XiZhuo香烟吞云吐雾谈论政事。
chef tables(意思翻译)
chef tables(相似词语短语)
2、pastry chef───糕点厨师;西式糕点主厨
3、head chef───主厨
4、trainee chef───见习厨师
5、side tables───靠墙的桌子
6、chef pepe───佩佩局长
7、alphonsine tables───阿方辛表
8、battalia chef───巴塔利亚厨师
9、capital chef───大厨
chef tables(双语使用场景)
1、war this man had been a chef, and his one crime was feeding the people who sat at his tables in small clouds of smoke and talked politics.───战前这人是个厨师,他的一项罪名是为前来就餐的人们提供食物,这些人XiZhuo香烟吞云吐雾谈论政事。