1、Note: The drawee's signature alone is a valid acceptance and is usually made across the left margin of the bill of exchange.───注:汇票经受票人本人签名生效,其签名通常横贯至汇票左边。
2、Based on this understanding and the practice from third generation engines, this paper suggests a procedure to run engine compressor stall margin acceptance test after production and overhaul.───基于这种认识,参照第三代发动机的使用实践,提出了批生产试车和翻修后发动机试车的失速边界的验收方法。
acceptance margin(意思翻译)
acceptance margin(相似词语短语)
2、bank acceptance───n.银行承兑汇票(已保证承兑的汇票)
3、margin trading───保证金交易,即仅交存一定保证金不支付全部货款的交易;[金融]保证金交易(交存一定保证金不支付全部货款的交易)
4、acceptance rate───票据承兑利率;[金融]票据贴现率
6、variation margin───价格变动保证金[押金];价格变动押金;盈亏保证金
7、unconditional acceptance───无条件接纳;[金融]无条件承兑;[经] 无条件承兑
8、narrow margin───没有多少余地,薄利;薄利;没有多少余地
9、passive acceptance───被动的接受
acceptance margin(双语使用场景)
1、Note: The drawee's signature alone is a valid acceptance and is usually made across the left margin of the bill of exchange.───注:汇票经受票人本人签名生效,其签名通常横贯至汇票左边。
2、Based on this understanding and the practice from third generation engines, this paper suggests a procedure to run engine compressor stall margin acceptance test after production and overhaul.───基于这种认识,参照第三代发动机的使用实践,提出了批生产试车和翻修后发动机试车的失速边界的验收方法。