1、Building off the last point, it helps add the sense of your character becoming more powerful and gaining more from the time spent playing.───从最后的那点来说,这样会使得你的角色变得更强,同时使得你在游戏中花费的时间会得到更多的回报。
2、One last point, it still isn't an indication that you are measuring what you think you are measuring.───最后一点,到此为止仍然不能说明你所测试的就是你所想的。
3、She could think of no defense for this last point, for she knew Gerald was right.───她想不出为这最后一点辩护的办法,因为她知道杰拉尔德是对的。
4、The last point is often overlooked, but is very important in practice.───最后这一点经常被忽略,但它在实践中却非常重要。
5、To me, if education is right it will be just a part of meditation; meditation will be the last point in it.───对于我来说,如果教育是恰当的,它也仅仅是作为静心的一部分,静心是它最终目的;
6、Last point, last graph. One of the things that we've got to do is to stabilize oil prices.───最后一点,最后一张图表,我们必须做的事情之一是稳定石油价格。
7、This last point was understood to be an allusion to the long-standing hostility between the two leaders.───这最后一点曾被理解为对这两位LingDaoRen之间长久敌意的一种影射。
8、This last point is crucial.───这一点是关键的。
9、The last point of interest for this section is the thread block times that are rolled up to the database level.───本节最后将介绍上升到数据库级的线程阻塞时间。
last point(英语使用场景)
1、This last point is crucial.
2、This last point is less self-evident than appears initially.
3、This last point is not without difficulty.
4、Sorry? What was the last point?
5、That last point is a key issue for Grasso.
6、He was right about this last point, but only because the other four voted to give the prize to another candidate.
7、The last point will be of major importance to significant parts of Estates and possibly other service areas.
8、The last point is particularly pertinent to today's discussion.
9、On his last point, Labour has manifestly failed to square the circle.
last point(意思翻译)
last point(相似词语短语)
1、last kiss───最后一吻
2、last classfatmet───%s(%s)
4、last lmmarocain───最后一次注射
5、last out───持续; 在困难中坚持[继续]下去; 经得起,活(一段时间);持续;经受住;支持下去
6、last from───从…继续[维持]
8、last last day───最后一天
9、last laugh───笑到最后(非正式)
last point(双语使用场景)
1、Building off the last point, it helps add the sense of your character becoming more powerful and gaining more from the time spent playing.───从最后的那点来说,这样会使得你的角色变得更强,同时使得你在游戏中花费的时间会得到更多的回报。
2、One last point, it still isn't an indication that you are measuring what you think you are measuring.───最后一点,到此为止仍然不能说明你所测试的就是你所想的。
3、She could think of no defense for this last point, for she knew Gerald was right.───她想不出为这最后一点辩护的办法,因为她知道杰拉尔德是对的。
4、The last point is often overlooked, but is very important in practice.───最后这一点经常被忽略,但它在实践中却非常重要。
5、To me, if education is right it will be just a part of meditation; meditation will be the last point in it.───对于我来说,如果教育是恰当的,它也仅仅是作为静心的一部分,静心是它最终目的;
6、Last point, last graph. One of the things that we've got to do is to stabilize oil prices.───最后一点,最后一张图表,我们必须做的事情之一是稳定石油价格。
7、This last point was understood to be an allusion to the long-standing hostility between the two leaders.───这最后一点曾被理解为对这两位LingDaoRen之间长久敌意的一种影射。
8、This last point is crucial.───这一点是关键的。
9、The last point of interest for this section is the thread block times that are rolled up to the database level.───本节最后将介绍上升到数据库级的线程阻塞时间。
last point(英语使用场景)
1、This last point is crucial.
2、This last point is less self-evident than appears initially.
3、This last point is not without difficulty.
4、Sorry? What was the last point?
5、That last point is a key issue for Grasso.
6、He was right about this last point, but only because the other four voted to give the prize to another candidate.
7、The last point will be of major importance to significant parts of Estates and possibly other service areas.
8、The last point is particularly pertinent to today's discussion.
9、On his last point, Labour has manifestly failed to square the circle.