1、In the high school stage, I compare excel at mathematics, did not have the enough confidence regarding English.───在高中阶段,我比较擅长数学,对于英语还没有足够的信心。
2、Middle school stage is an important period during fundamental education.───中学阶段是基础教育中的重要时间段。
3、The Ministry of Education recent middle-school mathematics curriculum standard has clearly offered MC teaching in the middle-school stage.───在JiaoYuBu新近颁发的《中学数学课程标准》中,已明确提出要在中学阶段开展数学文化的教学。
4、last category included one of the final scenes from Love Actually, starring Hugh Grant and Martine McCutcheon, where the pair appear on a school stage together.───最后一类图片包括休•格兰特和玛汀•麦古基安主演的电影《真爱至上》最后一幕的一张图片,在这张图片上男女主角一同出现在学校舞台上。
5、Therefore foster good student's English vernacular speech ability power of the high school stage Be going necessarily.───因此培养好中学阶段学生的英语口语能力势在必行。
6、And there Oedipus complex, and often hope that other people care, mental age is still at primary school stage.───而且有恋母情结,常常希望得到别人的照顾,精神年龄仍停留在小学阶段。
7、We perform place in the Tianjin big theater, there stage compared to our school stage big many.───我们演出的地点在天津大剧院,那里的舞台比我们学校的舞台大好多。
8、The needs of reality and the educational policies are together expediting the structure transformation of the high school stage.───现实需要与教育政策催生着高中阶段教育结构的调整。
school stage(英语使用场景)
1、The high school stage period of his family chose science, to the abandoned at all costs of their favorite liberal art.
school stage(意思翻译)
school stage(相似词语短语)
1、stage name───n.演员的艺名
2、stage manager───n.舞台监督
3、stage by stage───adv.逐步地,一步一步地;分阶段地
4、makeshift stage───临时舞台
6、initiation stage───起始阶段
7、unicellular stage───[医]单细胞期
8、trial stage───试用阶段;[法] 审判阶段
9、embryonic stage───胚期
school stage(双语使用场景)
1、In the high school stage, I compare excel at mathematics, did not have the enough confidence regarding English.───在高中阶段,我比较擅长数学,对于英语还没有足够的信心。
2、Middle school stage is an important period during fundamental education.───中学阶段是基础教育中的重要时间段。
3、The Ministry of Education recent middle-school mathematics curriculum standard has clearly offered MC teaching in the middle-school stage.───在JiaoYuBu新近颁发的《中学数学课程标准》中,已明确提出要在中学阶段开展数学文化的教学。
4、last category included one of the final scenes from Love Actually, starring Hugh Grant and Martine McCutcheon, where the pair appear on a school stage together.───最后一类图片包括休•格兰特和玛汀•麦古基安主演的电影《真爱至上》最后一幕的一张图片,在这张图片上男女主角一同出现在学校舞台上。
5、Therefore foster good student's English vernacular speech ability power of the high school stage Be going necessarily.───因此培养好中学阶段学生的英语口语能力势在必行。
6、And there Oedipus complex, and often hope that other people care, mental age is still at primary school stage.───而且有恋母情结,常常希望得到别人的照顾,精神年龄仍停留在小学阶段。
7、We perform place in the Tianjin big theater, there stage compared to our school stage big many.───我们演出的地点在天津大剧院,那里的舞台比我们学校的舞台大好多。
8、The needs of reality and the educational policies are together expediting the structure transformation of the high school stage.───现实需要与教育政策催生着高中阶段教育结构的调整。
school stage(英语使用场景)
1、The high school stage period of his family chose science, to the abandoned at all costs of their favorite liberal art.