1、And in the third chapter, the principle and the characteristic of analog-digital multiplication OCF are described in detail.───并在第三章中重点讲述了模拟混合最优滤波技术的原理和特点。
2、The Application of Digital-analog Multiplication Optimization Filter in Dielectric Loss Measurement───数模混合最优相关滤波在介损在线测量中的应用
3、In this paper, three methods to measure the efficiency of inverter have been discussed and compared. Based on the conclusion, analog multiplication method is employed.───文中分析、比较了测量逆变器效率的三种方法后,提出采用模拟相乘方法作为硬件处理方案。
4、The Applications of Analog Multiplication-Circuit to Measuring Technology───模拟乘法器在测量技术中的应用
5、The multiplication of correlation could be implemented just by pseudo random gating sampling (analog) or data reservation control and rejection (digital).───相关处理乘法可简单地用伪随机门控采样(模拟)或伪随机控制数据保留与剔除(数字)方法实现。
analog multiplication(意思翻译)
analog multiplication(相似词语短语)
1、analog signal───模拟信号,类比信号
2、multiplication chart───乘法图
3、scalar multiplication───[数]纯量乘法;标量乘法
4、analog inputs───[计]模拟输入;相似输入
5、multiplication calculator───乘法计算器
6、analog data───[自]模拟数据
7、matrix multiplication───[数]矩阵乘法
8、lattice multiplication───点阵乘法
9、abutment analog───[医]基桩代型
analog multiplication(双语使用场景)
1、And in the third chapter, the principle and the characteristic of analog-digital multiplication OCF are described in detail.───并在第三章中重点讲述了模拟混合最优滤波技术的原理和特点。
2、The Application of Digital-analog Multiplication Optimization Filter in Dielectric Loss Measurement───数模混合最优相关滤波在介损在线测量中的应用
3、In this paper, three methods to measure the efficiency of inverter have been discussed and compared. Based on the conclusion, analog multiplication method is employed.───文中分析、比较了测量逆变器效率的三种方法后,提出采用模拟相乘方法作为硬件处理方案。
4、The Applications of Analog Multiplication-Circuit to Measuring Technology───模拟乘法器在测量技术中的应用
5、The multiplication of correlation could be implemented just by pseudo random gating sampling (analog) or data reservation control and rejection (digital).───相关处理乘法可简单地用伪随机门控采样(模拟)或伪随机控制数据保留与剔除(数字)方法实现。