2、Some employers that froze salaries in 2009 might have to play catch up in the pay race just to remain competitive and retain staff.───一些雇主表示,2009年被冻结的薪水可能只有在这场薪酬大战中迎头赶上,才能保持竞争性,并留住员工。
3、She froze, she said, eventually watching as her mother's body was dumped in a wheelbarrow and her only parent vanished into the chaos.───事后达芙妮说,她整个人僵在那里,最终看着妈MaDe尸体被丢上手推车,自己唯一最亲的家人就在一片混乱中从这个世上消失。
4、We froze the engine and all that money was put into aerodynamics and other areas of the company.───我们冻结了引擎,这部分的钱被用在了空动和其他方面。
5、If I threw out to my class a few numbers to multiply together or asked the class to calculate powers of ten, many students froze.───如果我要求他们对几个数字求和或者计算“十”的幂,绝大多数学生只能呆呆地坐在那里不知所措。
6、He either suffocated, or froze to death.───他要么窒息而死,要么冻死了。
7、Two men froze to death on the mountain.───两个男子在山上冻死了。
8、Next to a few rabbits, you look at me, and I Chouchou you, froze for a long time before timid walked over and shut the door.───旁边的几只兔子,你瞧瞧我,我瞅瞅你,愣了半天,才缩手缩脚的走过去,关上了大门。
9、He just froze and stared at me for two or three minutes.───他呆住了,眼睛盯着我看了二三分钟。
1、The smile froze on her lips.───她脸上的笑容僵住了。
2、Some employers that froze salaries in 2009 might have to play catch up in the pay race just to remain competitive and retain staff.───一些雇主表示,2009年被冻结的薪水可能只有在这场薪酬大战中迎头赶上,才能保持竞争性,并留住员工。
3、She froze, she said, eventually watching as her mother's body was dumped in a wheelbarrow and her only parent vanished into the chaos.───事后达芙妮说,她整个人僵在那里,最终看着妈MaDe尸体被丢上手推车,自己唯一最亲的家人就在一片混乱中从这个世上消失。
4、We froze the engine and all that money was put into aerodynamics and other areas of the company.───我们冻结了引擎,这部分的钱被用在了空动和其他方面。
5、If I threw out to my class a few numbers to multiply together or asked the class to calculate powers of ten, many students froze.───如果我要求他们对几个数字求和或者计算“十”的幂,绝大多数学生只能呆呆地坐在那里不知所措。
6、He either suffocated, or froze to death.───他要么窒息而死,要么冻死了。
7、Two men froze to death on the mountain.───两个男子在山上冻死了。
8、Next to a few rabbits, you look at me, and I Chouchou you, froze for a long time before timid walked over and shut the door.───旁边的几只兔子,你瞧瞧我,我瞅瞅你,愣了半天,才缩手缩脚的走过去,关上了大门。
9、He just froze and stared at me for two or three minutes.───他呆住了,眼睛盯着我看了二三分钟。