1、In winter, the bare branches grow furry with frost.They sparkle in the sun, and you're afraid to touch them in case they shatter.───冬天的时候,光光的树枝附上了毛茸茸的一层霜,在太阳底下发着光,你都害怕一不小心碰到它们就散落一地。
2、It is easy to grow and likes full sun but will tolerate partial shade and does not suffer from many of the common rose problems.───它栽培容易,喜欢阳光充沛,却也能忍受局部遮阴,而且对许多蔷薇属的常见病害免疫。
3、other words, lets carnivorous plants do what all plants do: carry out photosynthesis, that is, grow by harnessing energy directly from the sun.───句话说,让食肉植物做所有植物都做的事:进行光合作用,也就是通过直接利用来自太阳的能量来进行生长。
sun grow(意思翻译)
sun grow(相似词语短语)
1、grow out───长出;出,发芽;拉架子
2、grow───vi.发展;生长;渐渐变得…;n. (Grow)(英)格罗(人名);vt.使生长;种植;扩展
3、clio grow───克利奥成长
4、grow stronger───变得更强
5、grow tall───长高
6、grow bertoni───种植贝托尼
7、grow from───由…长大,由…发展起来;从…长出,从…发展而来
8、grow rice───种水稻
sun grow(双语使用场景)
1、In winter, the bare branches grow furry with frost.They sparkle in the sun, and you're afraid to touch them in case they shatter.───冬天的时候,光光的树枝附上了毛茸茸的一层霜,在太阳底下发着光,你都害怕一不小心碰到它们就散落一地。
2、It is easy to grow and likes full sun but will tolerate partial shade and does not suffer from many of the common rose problems.───它栽培容易,喜欢阳光充沛,却也能忍受局部遮阴,而且对许多蔷薇属的常见病害免疫。
3、other words, lets carnivorous plants do what all plants do: carry out photosynthesis, that is, grow by harnessing energy directly from the sun.───句话说,让食肉植物做所有植物都做的事:进行光合作用,也就是通过直接利用来自太阳的能量来进行生长。