1、A return envelope that requires no postage is enclosed for your convenience in replying.───为供您回信方便,随信附去免贴邮票的信封一个。
2、Yes, please is the commonest use of the word, and is the opposite of No, thank you when replying to an offer.───好的,请”,是最常用的说法,它与人们拒绝帮助时通常所说的:“不,谢谢”的意思正好相反。
3、The infantry men, replying from below, six against two hundred, intrepid and with no shelter save the currant -bushes, took a quarter of an hour to die.───轻装队士兵从低处回射,六个人对付两百,奋不顾身,唯一的屏障只是草丛,他们坚持了一刻钟,六个人同归于尽。
no replying(意思翻译)
no replying(相似词语短语)
1、no say no───不说不
2、no no no way───不,不,不可能
3、no───det.没有,无;不准,禁止;没有可能(做某事);(表示情况的反面)不是,并不;n.否定的回答;(复数noes)(投票表决中的)反对,否决;adj.没有;不是;n. (No)(柬、越)诺(人名);adv.不,完全不;int.(用于否定的回答或陈述)不,没有;(感到惊讶)不会吧
4、oh no oh no oh no no no no no───哦不不不不不不不
5、replying to───v.回答
6、no one no no───没人不不不
7、say no no───说不不
8、no no no no───不不不不
9、no no no───不,不,不
no replying(双语使用场景)
1、A return envelope that requires no postage is enclosed for your convenience in replying.───为供您回信方便,随信附去免贴邮票的信封一个。
2、Yes, please is the commonest use of the word, and is the opposite of No, thank you when replying to an offer.───好的,请”,是最常用的说法,它与人们拒绝帮助时通常所说的:“不,谢谢”的意思正好相反。
3、The infantry men, replying from below, six against two hundred, intrepid and with no shelter save the currant -bushes, took a quarter of an hour to die.───轻装队士兵从低处回射,六个人对付两百,奋不顾身,唯一的屏障只是草丛,他们坚持了一刻钟,六个人同归于尽。