1、Soon after Shane's mother contacted him about I. O. U. and found he had been desperately trying to get in contact with them.───此后不久,当沙恩的妈妈找他商谈“i.o.u”的事宜时,却发现他一直在想和男孩儿们联络。
2、Marilyn, Shane and I talked after the meeting, and we all felt that we were on the right rack.───马瑞利,夏安和我在会议过后又聊了几句,我们都觉得我们所讨论的问题是正确的。
3、After skiing the beginner hills all day, Shane decided to finish up by trying an expert slope called Trudy's Schuss.───在初学者坡道滑了一整天之后,沙恩决定以试滑一段名为特鲁迪高速直线的专家坡道作为一天的结束。
4、Call it a coming attraction, because to know any more, you'll have to wait until Shane Salerno is good and ready to tell you.───之所以称之为潜在的诱惑,因为想知道得更多,你将不得不等到ShaneSalerno大发善心、愿意告诉你之时。
5、Shane How much can Tibetan get when their precious natural resource is milked out?───榨取了XiCang宝贵的自然资源之后,CangMin到底能获益多少?
6、I'll talk to you guys later, Shane P. S. One of my Chinese friends has alerted me that there is some controversy about this blog.───回见,肖恩另:我的一个中国朋友告诉我有人质疑这个博客的真实性。
7、guys like Shane Battier play without the ball.───无球队员的作用。向巴蒂尔那样的团队球员致敬吧。
8、Shane was chowing down on a mammoth hamburger.───谢恩正在狼吞虎咽的吃一个巨型汉堡。
9、Sometimes I couldn't bear to be in Shane's room. I felt as if I were going to explode or go insane.───有时候我无法呆在沙恩的病房里,我感觉自己似乎快要爆炸,快要急疯了。
1、Shane sat forward in his seat as the videotape rolled the photographs of the dead.
2、Shane : I like a girl with ambition.
3、Films like the Red Sun , Shane, etc, are all western.
4、As for the starters, Shane Reynolds is out until April.
5、Shane was the most uncompromising opponent of English rule in Ireland that had yet appeared.
6、Rumours suggesting that Shane MacGowan is likely to make cameo appearances could not be confirmed.
7、Skipper Shane Cooper and full-back Lyon combined down the left flank to put Ropati over for a second-minute try.
8、I never thought Shane a butch.
9、OMG can't believe Shane has been knocked off too.
1、ba shi───巴希(地名);桥(日语)
2、oh my gosh───哦,我的天啊
3、bat fowling shakespeare definition───捕蝙蝠莎士比亚的定义
4、off broadway shoes───非百老汇鞋款
5、gunshot wounds───火器伤;枪伤
6、fishskin clothing───鱼皮服装
7、waders for fishing───钓鱼用的涉禽
8、collectorship of port new york───纽约港收藏家
9、barberry bushes───理发灌木丛
10、so short───这么短
1、Soon after Shane's mother contacted him about I. O. U. and found he had been desperately trying to get in contact with them.───此后不久,当沙恩的妈妈找他商谈“i.o.u”的事宜时,却发现他一直在想和男孩儿们联络。
2、Marilyn, Shane and I talked after the meeting, and we all felt that we were on the right rack.───马瑞利,夏安和我在会议过后又聊了几句,我们都觉得我们所讨论的问题是正确的。
3、After skiing the beginner hills all day, Shane decided to finish up by trying an expert slope called Trudy's Schuss.───在初学者坡道滑了一整天之后,沙恩决定以试滑一段名为特鲁迪高速直线的专家坡道作为一天的结束。
4、Call it a coming attraction, because to know any more, you'll have to wait until Shane Salerno is good and ready to tell you.───之所以称之为潜在的诱惑,因为想知道得更多,你将不得不等到ShaneSalerno大发善心、愿意告诉你之时。
5、Shane How much can Tibetan get when their precious natural resource is milked out?───榨取了XiCang宝贵的自然资源之后,CangMin到底能获益多少?
6、I'll talk to you guys later, Shane P. S. One of my Chinese friends has alerted me that there is some controversy about this blog.───回见,肖恩另:我的一个中国朋友告诉我有人质疑这个博客的真实性。
7、guys like Shane Battier play without the ball.───无球队员的作用。向巴蒂尔那样的团队球员致敬吧。
8、Shane was chowing down on a mammoth hamburger.───谢恩正在狼吞虎咽的吃一个巨型汉堡。
9、Sometimes I couldn't bear to be in Shane's room. I felt as if I were going to explode or go insane.───有时候我无法呆在沙恩的病房里,我感觉自己似乎快要爆炸,快要急疯了。
1、Shane sat forward in his seat as the videotape rolled the photographs of the dead.
2、Shane : I like a girl with ambition.
3、Films like the Red Sun , Shane, etc, are all western.
4、As for the starters, Shane Reynolds is out until April.
5、Shane was the most uncompromising opponent of English rule in Ireland that had yet appeared.
6、Rumours suggesting that Shane MacGowan is likely to make cameo appearances could not be confirmed.
7、Skipper Shane Cooper and full-back Lyon combined down the left flank to put Ropati over for a second-minute try.
8、I never thought Shane a butch.
9、OMG can't believe Shane has been knocked off too.