1、Once Roba is discharged from the programme, however, the challenge will be to ensure that he does not fall back into a condition of severe malnutrition.───然而,一旦该项目停止给罗巴提供帮助,如何确保他不会回到严重营养不良的状态,将是一大挑战。
2、from the mold-the plastic that fills the channels that take the hot plastic into the piece negative-fall down the machine, gets ground up, and put back into the production cycle.───塑料热成型之后的残余物会自机器上掉落下来,被碾碎,并重新进入生产循环过程中。
fall back into from(意思翻译)
fall back into from(相似词语短语)
1、fall back───后退, (对方因被击败而)退却;退却,后退;回落
2、back into───(使)倒进…;倒车撞上(某物)
3、fall from───落下; 跌落; 降落; 说出;从…落下
4、fall back asleep───重新入睡
5、fall into him───爱上他了
6、fall into you───落入你的怀抱
7、back from───后退;回来;退让
8、fall back into───重新陷入;重新回到
9、from into───从…到
fall back into from(双语使用场景)
1、Once Roba is discharged from the programme, however, the challenge will be to ensure that he does not fall back into a condition of severe malnutrition.───然而,一旦该项目停止给罗巴提供帮助,如何确保他不会回到严重营养不良的状态,将是一大挑战。
2、from the mold-the plastic that fills the channels that take the hot plastic into the piece negative-fall down the machine, gets ground up, and put back into the production cycle.───塑料热成型之后的残余物会自机器上掉落下来,被碾碎,并重新进入生产循环过程中。