1、Thieves like to steal them and chop them up, which can bring in more money than selling the car whole.───小偷们喜欢偷了车之后将它们“大卸八块”再ChuShou,这比ChuShou整辆车更能赚钱。
2、You are truly a forgiver when you forgive murderers who never spill blood, thieves who never steal, and liars who utter no falsehood.───如果你能原谅从未伤过人命的“凶手”,如果你能原谅从未偷盗的“窃贼”,如果你可以原谅从不说谎的“骗子”,那么你还有什么不能原谅的呢?
3、Look, if we're going to be thieves, why not steal the good stuff in the kitchen, where nothing is poisoned?───瞧,既然我们要当小偷,为什么不偷厨房里的好东西呢?那里没有有毒的食物。
steal thieves(意思翻译)
steal thieves(相似词语短语)
1、steal───vi.窃取;偷偷地行动;偷垒;vt.剽窃;偷偷地做;TouQie;n.便宜货; TouQie;n.TouQie;便宜货;偷垒;断球;v.窃取; 偷偷移动; 偷垒
2、thieves landing───窃贼登陆
3、thief steal───小偷偷东西
4、steal line───偷线
5、thieves───n. (Thieves)(德)蒂费斯(人名);n.小偷(thief的复数形式)
6、stop thieves───捉贼
7、steal words───偷话
8、steal away───偷偷离去; 偷走(某物);(把某物)偷走;溜掉
9、steal into───潜入,偷偷进入;偷偷地进入
steal thieves(双语使用场景)
1、Thieves like to steal them and chop them up, which can bring in more money than selling the car whole.───小偷们喜欢偷了车之后将它们“大卸八块”再ChuShou,这比ChuShou整辆车更能赚钱。
2、You are truly a forgiver when you forgive murderers who never spill blood, thieves who never steal, and liars who utter no falsehood.───如果你能原谅从未伤过人命的“凶手”,如果你能原谅从未偷盗的“窃贼”,如果你可以原谅从不说谎的“骗子”,那么你还有什么不能原谅的呢?
3、Look, if we're going to be thieves, why not steal the good stuff in the kitchen, where nothing is poisoned?───瞧,既然我们要当小偷,为什么不偷厨房里的好东西呢?那里没有有毒的食物。