1、China also produces wool and its land, Labour and capital are often cheaper.───中国也生产羊毛,而且它的土地、劳动力和资本价格通常更低。
2、While this is one factor, cheap capital and land have been as important.───然而这仅仅是其中的一个因素,廉价的资本和土地也同样重要。
3、I certainly wish him and Beijing Capital Land the best in this global environment.───我当然更希望唐军先生及首创置业在全球化的环境中发展地更好。
4、Economic prosperity and relatively low interest rates have a direct impact on the value of land and capital costs.───经济的繁荣和相对较低的利率,对土地价值和资本成本有着直接的影响。
capital land(英语使用场景)
1、Forms of the Capital paid-in by foreign investors:Cash, Tangibility, The machinery Industry property, know-how: Intagible capital, Land use right transfer.
capital land(意思翻译)
capital land(相似词语短语)
1、land intb───陆上国际机场
2、cerebellum capital───小脑顶
3、land diving───陆潜(东南亚一项运动)
4、czechs land───捷克土地
7、largest land───最大的土地
8、land loop───陆地环路
9、grazing land───牧场;放牧地
capital land(双语使用场景)
1、China also produces wool and its land, Labour and capital are often cheaper.───中国也生产羊毛,而且它的土地、劳动力和资本价格通常更低。
2、While this is one factor, cheap capital and land have been as important.───然而这仅仅是其中的一个因素,廉价的资本和土地也同样重要。
3、I certainly wish him and Beijing Capital Land the best in this global environment.───我当然更希望唐军先生及首创置业在全球化的环境中发展地更好。
4、Economic prosperity and relatively low interest rates have a direct impact on the value of land and capital costs.───经济的繁荣和相对较低的利率,对土地价值和资本成本有着直接的影响。
capital land(英语使用场景)
1、Forms of the Capital paid-in by foreign investors:Cash, Tangibility, The machinery Industry property, know-how: Intagible capital, Land use right transfer.