1、Besides bringing children pleasure, Match Shape Puzzle Games also enlarges children's views and develops their power of observation, logic and imagination.───对对拼游戏拼图,除了带给孩子们欢乐外,也增长了孩子们的知识,激发了他们的观察能力、逻辑推理和想象力。
2、It's time to take your puzzle solving and detective skills to the limit in this unique match-3 puzzle game!───现在是时候把你的解谜和侦探技巧发挥到极致在这个独特的比赛3益智游戏!
3、a brick count of 20 or higher in a puzzle match.───在拼图对战中,砖块计数器达到20或更高。
puzzle match(意思翻译)
puzzle match(相似词语短语)
2、perfect match───天生一对(电影名);[电影]天生绝配
3、test match───国际橄榄球锦标赛;国际板球锦标赛;n.国际板球锦标赛
4、match live───现场比赛
6、important match───重要匹配
7、best match───最佳匹配
8、match me───跟我比一比
9、ball match───球赛
puzzle match(双语使用场景)
1、Besides bringing children pleasure, Match Shape Puzzle Games also enlarges children's views and develops their power of observation, logic and imagination.───对对拼游戏拼图,除了带给孩子们欢乐外,也增长了孩子们的知识,激发了他们的观察能力、逻辑推理和想象力。
2、It's time to take your puzzle solving and detective skills to the limit in this unique match-3 puzzle game!───现在是时候把你的解谜和侦探技巧发挥到极致在这个独特的比赛3益智游戏!
3、a brick count of 20 or higher in a puzzle match.───在拼图对战中,砖块计数器达到20或更高。