1、All the excitement was over what appear to be long-awaited payoffs in two big potential growth areas: mobile search and display ads.───所有激动人心的数据似乎都来自两大潜力增长点期待已久的回报:手机搜索和显示广告。
2、But the unit has lots of potential growth products and quite a few financial sponsors will be keen to be part of this game.───但该项业务拥有许多潜在增长性产品,相当多的出资方将乐于参与其中。
3、Another of Google's potential growth engines is Android.───Android平台是谷歌另外一个潜在增长推动力。
4、Both work to lift the potential growth rate.───两者都对提升潜在增长率有帮助。
5、Although actual output tumbled during the 1930s, America's potential growth rate did not.───虽然真实产出在30年代停滞不前,但是美国的潜在增长率则一直在上升。
6、The economy's potential growth will be lower than before, and with it growth in the tax base.───英国经济的增长潜力会不如以前,因而会相应地扩大税源。
7、Fisher was the first to consider a stock's worth in terms of potential growth instead of just price trends and absolute value.───把股票价值看作潜在的成长性而非单纯的价格趋势或者绝对价值,Fisher是第一人。
8、Japan's potential growth slowed dramatically in the mid 1990s.───年代中期,日本的增长潜力迅速下降。
9、This is consistent with GDP continuing to grow at around a 3% rate, just a bit above the economy's potential growth rate.───这与GDP持续以约3%增长相一致,3%仅比潜在的经济增长率高一点。
potential growth(英语使用场景)
1、There continues to be potential growth points in other areas of research, particularly where contacts with other Departments overseas are strong.
2、The higher a country's potential growth rate, the easier it is for the economy to recover after a bubble bursts, so long as its fiscal and external finances are in reasonable shape.
3、By easing cashflow pressures, it could help stimulate a change of culture in this potential growth area towards capital projects.
4、Another way to raise debt service capacities would be to increase potential growth through structural reforms.
5、Unfortunately, the outlook for America's potential growth rate was darkening long before the financial crisis hit.
6、It is represented by the individual countrys active participation in it to enhance their economic potential growth and expand economic cooperation through regional division of labor.
potential growth(意思翻译)
potential growth(相似词语短语)
1、potential market───潜在市场
2、tapping potential───挖掘潜力
4、unmatched potential───无与伦比的潜力
5、formative growth───形成性生长
6、potential impact───潜在影响
7、upside potential───上涨潜力
9、muscle growth───肌肉生长
potential growth(双语使用场景)
1、All the excitement was over what appear to be long-awaited payoffs in two big potential growth areas: mobile search and display ads.───所有激动人心的数据似乎都来自两大潜力增长点期待已久的回报:手机搜索和显示广告。
2、But the unit has lots of potential growth products and quite a few financial sponsors will be keen to be part of this game.───但该项业务拥有许多潜在增长性产品,相当多的出资方将乐于参与其中。
3、Another of Google's potential growth engines is Android.───Android平台是谷歌另外一个潜在增长推动力。
4、Both work to lift the potential growth rate.───两者都对提升潜在增长率有帮助。
5、Although actual output tumbled during the 1930s, America's potential growth rate did not.───虽然真实产出在30年代停滞不前,但是美国的潜在增长率则一直在上升。
6、The economy's potential growth will be lower than before, and with it growth in the tax base.───英国经济的增长潜力会不如以前,因而会相应地扩大税源。
7、Fisher was the first to consider a stock's worth in terms of potential growth instead of just price trends and absolute value.───把股票价值看作潜在的成长性而非单纯的价格趋势或者绝对价值,Fisher是第一人。
8、Japan's potential growth slowed dramatically in the mid 1990s.───年代中期,日本的增长潜力迅速下降。
9、This is consistent with GDP continuing to grow at around a 3% rate, just a bit above the economy's potential growth rate.───这与GDP持续以约3%增长相一致,3%仅比潜在的经济增长率高一点。
potential growth(英语使用场景)
1、There continues to be potential growth points in other areas of research, particularly where contacts with other Departments overseas are strong.
2、The higher a country's potential growth rate, the easier it is for the economy to recover after a bubble bursts, so long as its fiscal and external finances are in reasonable shape.
3、By easing cashflow pressures, it could help stimulate a change of culture in this potential growth area towards capital projects.
4、Another way to raise debt service capacities would be to increase potential growth through structural reforms.
5、Unfortunately, the outlook for America's potential growth rate was darkening long before the financial crisis hit.
6、It is represented by the individual countrys active participation in it to enhance their economic potential growth and expand economic cooperation through regional division of labor.