1、Without activists, women would have no vote and no right to choose, and people of colour would have no freedom.───没有他们,妇女就没有表决权和选择权,有色人种就不会有自由。
2、In an emergency, buyers under duress have no freedom.───在紧急关头,买家迫不得已别无选择。
3、So as they have no freedom; neither in their persons, nor in their actions, nor in their times.───因此不论其人身、行动、时间,皆无自由可言。
4、You now have no freedom, and after you do, I had to listen!───你们现在已经没有自由了,以后你们做什么事,都得听我的!
5、Political parties and voters have no freedom of speech, assembly and association in society.───各政党和选民没有言论集会和结社自由。
6、As the sensational beings, man has to obey the external general law of cause and effect, so they have no freedom.───作为感性存在物,人要服从外在的普遍的自然因果律,没有自由可言;
7、Ironically, we are always glad to proclaim that we have no freedom, so as to excuse ourselves and hold our times accountable.───相反我们乐于宣告人没有自由…因为没有自由,人就可以把一切推给时代。
8、Roberts, 54, added: It's like the devil runs this place. We have no freedom.───今年54岁的罗伯茨停了停又说:“这地方简直就是魔鬼在管理,我们一点自由都没有。”
have no freedom(英语使用场景)
1、Without activists, women would have no vote and no right to choose, and people of colour would have no freedom.
have no freedom(意思翻译)
have no freedom(相似词语短语)
1、you have no───你没有
3、have no money───没有钱
4、have no equal───无人能比,无出其右;无出其右;莫与之京
5、have no bmutant───没有什么变化
6、have no way───无从;没有办法;无从;无奈何;无由
7、have no token───没有代币
8、i have no───我没有……
9、l have no───我没有
have no freedom(双语使用场景)
1、Without activists, women would have no vote and no right to choose, and people of colour would have no freedom.───没有他们,妇女就没有表决权和选择权,有色人种就不会有自由。
2、In an emergency, buyers under duress have no freedom.───在紧急关头,买家迫不得已别无选择。
3、So as they have no freedom; neither in their persons, nor in their actions, nor in their times.───因此不论其人身、行动、时间,皆无自由可言。
4、You now have no freedom, and after you do, I had to listen!───你们现在已经没有自由了,以后你们做什么事,都得听我的!
5、Political parties and voters have no freedom of speech, assembly and association in society.───各政党和选民没有言论集会和结社自由。
6、As the sensational beings, man has to obey the external general law of cause and effect, so they have no freedom.───作为感性存在物,人要服从外在的普遍的自然因果律,没有自由可言;
7、Ironically, we are always glad to proclaim that we have no freedom, so as to excuse ourselves and hold our times accountable.───相反我们乐于宣告人没有自由…因为没有自由,人就可以把一切推给时代。
8、Roberts, 54, added: It's like the devil runs this place. We have no freedom.───今年54岁的罗伯茨停了停又说:“这地方简直就是魔鬼在管理,我们一点自由都没有。”
have no freedom(英语使用场景)
1、Without activists, women would have no vote and no right to choose, and people of colour would have no freedom.