1、His first completed work--a slice of bread, a slice of bread on top of that, and a slice of turkey on top of both--fails miserably.───他完成的首件作品——一片面包,上面再放一块,然后在两片面包之上放片火鸡肉——惨遭失败。
2、If be not by coincidence she is in fact a woman to clothes up for the words of men's wear, does she don't is dead quite miserably?───如果不是碰巧她其实是女扮男装的话,她岂不是要死的很惨吗?
3、It felt like an old and trusted friend turning his back on you and failing you miserably when you needed him most.───那感觉就像你最需要你那忠实的老朋友,他却对你不顾而去时一样失落。
4、They wandered around miserably.───他们可怜兮兮地走来走去。
5、It failed miserably and went out of business within a year.───它在一年内生意惨败而停业。
6、I mean it wasn't terrible, it was sort of a precursor to what people are trying to do It flopped miserably, but I'm glad we did it.───其实也没那么糟糕,它就是个先兆,预示了现今人们,很悲惨它失败了,不过我很高兴我们做过。
7、He failed miserably as an actor.───作为演员,他败得很惨。
8、We tried to develop plans for them to get along, which all failed miserably.───我们设法制定出让他们相处融洽的计划,但都惨败了。
9、He sat down miserably , as if I had pushed him, and simultaneously there was the sound of a motor turning into my lane.───他苦恼地坐了下来,仿佛我推了他似的,正在这时传来一辆汽车拐进我巷子的声音。
1、His first completed work--a slice of bread, a slice of bread on top of that, and a slice of turkey on top of both--fails miserably.───他完成的首件作品——一片面包,上面再放一块,然后在两片面包之上放片火鸡肉——惨遭失败。
2、If be not by coincidence she is in fact a woman to clothes up for the words of men's wear, does she don't is dead quite miserably?───如果不是碰巧她其实是女扮男装的话,她岂不是要死的很惨吗?
3、It felt like an old and trusted friend turning his back on you and failing you miserably when you needed him most.───那感觉就像你最需要你那忠实的老朋友,他却对你不顾而去时一样失落。
4、They wandered around miserably.───他们可怜兮兮地走来走去。
5、It failed miserably and went out of business within a year.───它在一年内生意惨败而停业。
6、I mean it wasn't terrible, it was sort of a precursor to what people are trying to do It flopped miserably, but I'm glad we did it.───其实也没那么糟糕,它就是个先兆,预示了现今人们,很悲惨它失败了,不过我很高兴我们做过。
7、He failed miserably as an actor.───作为演员,他败得很惨。
8、We tried to develop plans for them to get along, which all failed miserably.───我们设法制定出让他们相处融洽的计划,但都惨败了。
9、He sat down miserably , as if I had pushed him, and simultaneously there was the sound of a motor turning into my lane.───他苦恼地坐了下来,仿佛我推了他似的,正在这时传来一辆汽车拐进我巷子的声音。