1、effects of permeable pile groynes laid out along the thalweg in control and guide the regime of the lower Yellow River have been studied through movable bed model tests.───通过河工动床模型试验,对沿治导线布设形式的透水桩坝在黄河下游控导河势的效果进行了研究。
2、This paper presents an experimental study of Wuliangzhou goose-head-shaped-braided reaches with fixed and movable bed model for the middle reaches of Haujiang River near Xiangfan City.───本文介绍了汉江中游襄凡河段无粮洲鹅头形汊道定床与动床试验研究成果。
movable bed river(意思翻译)
movable bed river(相似词语短语)
1、rainbow river───彩虹河(音乐名)
2、movable type printing───活字
3、movable feast───每年日期不同的宗教性节日
4、movable type───[印刷]活字;活字,铅字; 活字版; 移动式
6、amphiarthrosis movable───活动性双关节炎
8、nearthe river───在河边
movable bed river(双语使用场景)
1、effects of permeable pile groynes laid out along the thalweg in control and guide the regime of the lower Yellow River have been studied through movable bed model tests.───通过河工动床模型试验,对沿治导线布设形式的透水桩坝在黄河下游控导河势的效果进行了研究。
2、This paper presents an experimental study of Wuliangzhou goose-head-shaped-braided reaches with fixed and movable bed model for the middle reaches of Haujiang River near Xiangfan City.───本文介绍了汉江中游襄凡河段无粮洲鹅头形汊道定床与动床试验研究成果。