1、On the one hand, a rapidly expanding area of vascular bed.───一方面血管床面积迅速扩大。
2、The Radian Apartments are a 14-story, 500-bed residential and retail center at the edge of the University of Pennsylvania's rapidly expanding campus.───弧度公寓高十四层,有500个住宅和商业中心,位于宾夕法尼亚州大学不断扩大的校区内。
3、In this paper the design and performance of expanding silencing exhaust duct for the test bed of automotive engines are discussed.───本文论述了车用发动机试验台排气XiTong中的三节扩张式消声坑的设计和试验结果。
expanding bed(意思翻译)
expanding bed(相似词语短语)
1、expanding definition───扩展定义
2、expanding industry───扩展中的工业
4、expanding expression───扩展表达式
5、expanding market───扩大市场
6、expanding opcode───扩展Cao作码
8、expanding medicaid───扩大医疗补助
9、expanding synonym───扩展同义词
expanding bed(双语使用场景)
1、On the one hand, a rapidly expanding area of vascular bed.───一方面血管床面积迅速扩大。
2、The Radian Apartments are a 14-story, 500-bed residential and retail center at the edge of the University of Pennsylvania's rapidly expanding campus.───弧度公寓高十四层,有500个住宅和商业中心,位于宾夕法尼亚州大学不断扩大的校区内。
3、In this paper the design and performance of expanding silencing exhaust duct for the test bed of automotive engines are discussed.───本文论述了车用发动机试验台排气XiTong中的三节扩张式消声坑的设计和试验结果。