1、In addition, the College can offer workshop services to make tools as well as parts for intended electricity generating plants.───学院还提供车间服务来生产工具以及未来发电站所需的零件。
2、Maybe it's something special in his brain that allows him to make tools or to have mathematics.───因为(人类)大脑的与众不同他们才发明了工具和数学。
3、The period in which man learnt to make tools of iron is called the Iron Age.───人类学会用铁制造工具的时代称为铁器时代。
4、A hard material made of compacted binary compounds of carbon and heavy metals, used to make tools that cut metal.───碳化钙一种坚硬的物质,由压塑的碳化物和重金属制成,用于制作切割金属的工具。
5、Free hands may be the devil's playground, but they gave our ancestors the means to gather and carry food and eventually make tools.───自由的手可能是魔鬼的乐园(能够干各种坏事),但这也给了我们祖先收集和携带食物,最终使用工具的手段。
6、To prey as the main source of income: the meat-eating, fur made clothes, oil for lighting and cooking, bone teeth to make tools and weapons.───以猎物为主要生活来源:以肉为食,毛皮做衣物,油脂用于照明和烹饪,骨牙作工具和武器。
make tools(英语使用场景)
1、In a memo, Leakey—Jane's mentor—credited her with a discovery that helped redefine what it means to be human: Chimps make tools.
2、A wise man will make tools of what come to hand.
3、THE extraordinary success of Homo sapiens is a result of four things: intelligence, language, an ability to manipulate objects dexterously in order to make tools, and co-operation.
4、The period in which man learnt to make tools of iron is called the Iron Age.
5、This spongy iron could be hammered into shape to make tools and weapons.
6、In the Bronze Age, people could make tools of copper and bronze, but not iron.
7、The period in which man learnt to make tools of iron is called the lron Age.
8、A wise man will make tools of what comes to hand.
make tools(意思翻译)
make tools(相似词语短语)
1、alpinist tools───登山工具
2、sport tools───运动工具
4、carpentry tools───木工工具
5、mineralogist tools───矿物学家工具
6、electrician tools───电工工具
7、pressing tools───冲压模具
8、iam tools───iam工具
9、chemogenetic tools───化学生成工具
make tools(双语使用场景)
1、In addition, the College can offer workshop services to make tools as well as parts for intended electricity generating plants.───学院还提供车间服务来生产工具以及未来发电站所需的零件。
2、Maybe it's something special in his brain that allows him to make tools or to have mathematics.───因为(人类)大脑的与众不同他们才发明了工具和数学。
3、The period in which man learnt to make tools of iron is called the Iron Age.───人类学会用铁制造工具的时代称为铁器时代。
4、A hard material made of compacted binary compounds of carbon and heavy metals, used to make tools that cut metal.───碳化钙一种坚硬的物质,由压塑的碳化物和重金属制成,用于制作切割金属的工具。
5、Free hands may be the devil's playground, but they gave our ancestors the means to gather and carry food and eventually make tools.───自由的手可能是魔鬼的乐园(能够干各种坏事),但这也给了我们祖先收集和携带食物,最终使用工具的手段。
6、To prey as the main source of income: the meat-eating, fur made clothes, oil for lighting and cooking, bone teeth to make tools and weapons.───以猎物为主要生活来源:以肉为食,毛皮做衣物,油脂用于照明和烹饪,骨牙作工具和武器。
make tools(英语使用场景)
1、In a memo, Leakey—Jane's mentor—credited her with a discovery that helped redefine what it means to be human: Chimps make tools.
2、A wise man will make tools of what come to hand.
3、THE extraordinary success of Homo sapiens is a result of four things: intelligence, language, an ability to manipulate objects dexterously in order to make tools, and co-operation.
4、The period in which man learnt to make tools of iron is called the Iron Age.
5、This spongy iron could be hammered into shape to make tools and weapons.
6、In the Bronze Age, people could make tools of copper and bronze, but not iron.
7、The period in which man learnt to make tools of iron is called the lron Age.
8、A wise man will make tools of what comes to hand.