1、I sat down at her bedside and placed my hand over hers, interlocking our fingers and squeezing ever so slightly in an attempt to show affection.───我坐在她的旁边,握住了她的手,十指扣在一起,轻轻的RouDongZhuo,让她能够体会到我的爱意。
2、I raise my hand to show him the bandages, but he's already back to his book.───我抬起手给他看裹着的绷带,可是他已经埋头看上书了。
3、To show you what it looks like up close, I covered my hand in the gel and then painted on some thinned-down contact cement, which produces a very nice opaque yellow flame when lit.───为了使你更清楚的看到这一点,我在手上涂满了这种胶,并且还加入了一种在燃烧时可以发出透明的黄色火焰的胶材料。
show my hand(意思翻译)
show my hand(相似词语短语)
1、My hand hurts───我的手疼
2、by my hand───经我手;用我的手
3、my hand───我的手 (My Hand)
4、my small hand───我的小手
5、try my hand───试试我的手
6、show a hand───伸出援手
7、in my hand───在我手里
8、show my───显示我的
9、show hand───n.梭哈;摊牌
show my hand(双语使用场景)
1、I sat down at her bedside and placed my hand over hers, interlocking our fingers and squeezing ever so slightly in an attempt to show affection.───我坐在她的旁边,握住了她的手,十指扣在一起,轻轻的RouDongZhuo,让她能够体会到我的爱意。
2、I raise my hand to show him the bandages, but he's already back to his book.───我抬起手给他看裹着的绷带,可是他已经埋头看上书了。
3、To show you what it looks like up close, I covered my hand in the gel and then painted on some thinned-down contact cement, which produces a very nice opaque yellow flame when lit.───为了使你更清楚的看到这一点,我在手上涂满了这种胶,并且还加入了一种在燃烧时可以发出透明的黄色火焰的胶材料。