1、Thus, the sum of all think times, pace times, and expected page response times should fit within this limit.───因此,所有思考时间,停留时间,以及预期的页面响应时间的总和应该在这个范围之内。
2、They stretched the resources of the international response to the limit.───这两次灾害的需求达到了国际反应资源的极限。
3、Exploration of Frequency Response Limit of Variable-Frequency Adjustable-Speed Induction Motor───变频调速异步电动机频率变化极限
4、All public transportation services rely on emergency preparedness and response to limit the adverse effects of accidents and other emergencies.───所有的公共交通运输都依靠完善的应急预案与及时响应,来减少事故或其他突发事件所带来的伤害。
response limit(意思翻译)
response limit(相似词语短语)
2、gas limit───气体极限
3、frisks response───新鲜反应
4、framerate limit───帧速率限制
6、equivocating response───模棱两可的回答
7、no response───不响应;无响应;没有响应
8、in response───作为答复;作为回答
9、crabbed response───急躁的反应
response limit(双语使用场景)
1、Thus, the sum of all think times, pace times, and expected page response times should fit within this limit.───因此,所有思考时间,停留时间,以及预期的页面响应时间的总和应该在这个范围之内。
2、They stretched the resources of the international response to the limit.───这两次灾害的需求达到了国际反应资源的极限。
3、Exploration of Frequency Response Limit of Variable-Frequency Adjustable-Speed Induction Motor───变频调速异步电动机频率变化极限
4、All public transportation services rely on emergency preparedness and response to limit the adverse effects of accidents and other emergencies.───所有的公共交通运输都依靠完善的应急预案与及时响应,来减少事故或其他突发事件所带来的伤害。