1、The relations between viscoelasticity and yield stress, thixotropy need to be studied for the theoretical breakthrough.───建议进一步研究含蜡原油粘弹性与屈服应力、触变性的关系,在机理研究方面加大力度;
2、Comparing with the uniaxial compression, the Young's modulus and the yield stress of the biaxial compression increase obviously.───与单轴压缩相比较,双轴压缩的弹性模量和屈服应力有明显的提高。
3、effect of the definition of yield stress on hardening rules.───不同屈服应力定义对强化规律的影响;
4、Thus cubic particle model can predict the minimum current density of a certain ER fluids needed to obtain a shear yield stress.───这样可使用立方体颗粒模型来计算某一电流变液剪切屈服应力所对应的最小电流密度。
5、If an applied stress or pressure drop is not sufficient to break the gel or exceed the yield stress, no flow will occur.───如果施加的应力或压降不足以PoHuai凝胶或不足以超过屈服应力,则不会有流动产生。
6、To the same material, with increasing relative density, the yield stress increased and yield region decreased.───同一种材料的泡沫金属,其屈服应力随相对密度增大而增大,平台区相应变窄。
7、Cyclophosphamide innovative ink stickiness or yield stress is too high, resulting in a transfer of the poor.───油墨黏度或屈服值太高,导致油墨转移性差。
8、yield stress of our MR fluid is of good thermal stability.───流变液的屈服应力对温度具有很好的稳定性。
9、Rotated rheometer was used to determine the yield stress of lithium lubricating grease.───选用旋转流变仪测定了锂基润滑脂的屈服应力。
yield stress(英语使用场景)
1、Relationship between MRF' s yield stress and magnetic flux density, the shear stress and magnetic flux density and shears tress and shear rate were investigated.
2、And the testing-frequency is closely related to the fatigue life too when the alternate stress is higher than yield stress.
3、The transverse stress of clad material was analyzed with the mixing rule, and the results show that the yield stress, tensile stress and the thickness ratio obey exponent function.
4、Vessel burst pressure is the mean between maximum event (explosion) pressure and the yield stress of the vessel.
5、Yield stress is the stress at which a material begins to deform plastically.
6、The dependence of the dynamic yield stress on the electric field can becomes clear with the log-log plot of Figure 3.
7、Viscoelasticity is related to some properties such as gel point, gel strength, yield stress and thixotropy.
8、Mapping rheogram and analyzing thixotropy of fresh cement paste with different superplasticizers by measuring the rheologic parameters such as shearing stress, yield stress and plastic viscosity.
9、The results illustrated that the associative thickener allowed balance of high viscosity and low yield stress.
yield stress(意思翻译)
yield stress(相似词语短语)
1、gross yield───(除税前的)毛收益率
2、yield on───屈服于
3、overall yield───总产量;总回收率,总收率
4、yield strength───屈变力,屈服强度,抗屈强度;[力]屈服强度;屈变力;抗屈强度
5、shear stress───[力]剪应力;[力]剪切应力;剪应力; 切变应力; 切应力; 粘性摩擦应力
6、interpolated yield───插值收益率
7、alternating stress mean stress───交变应力平均应力
yield stress(双语使用场景)
1、The relations between viscoelasticity and yield stress, thixotropy need to be studied for the theoretical breakthrough.───建议进一步研究含蜡原油粘弹性与屈服应力、触变性的关系,在机理研究方面加大力度;
2、Comparing with the uniaxial compression, the Young's modulus and the yield stress of the biaxial compression increase obviously.───与单轴压缩相比较,双轴压缩的弹性模量和屈服应力有明显的提高。
3、effect of the definition of yield stress on hardening rules.───不同屈服应力定义对强化规律的影响;
4、Thus cubic particle model can predict the minimum current density of a certain ER fluids needed to obtain a shear yield stress.───这样可使用立方体颗粒模型来计算某一电流变液剪切屈服应力所对应的最小电流密度。
5、If an applied stress or pressure drop is not sufficient to break the gel or exceed the yield stress, no flow will occur.───如果施加的应力或压降不足以PoHuai凝胶或不足以超过屈服应力,则不会有流动产生。
6、To the same material, with increasing relative density, the yield stress increased and yield region decreased.───同一种材料的泡沫金属,其屈服应力随相对密度增大而增大,平台区相应变窄。
7、Cyclophosphamide innovative ink stickiness or yield stress is too high, resulting in a transfer of the poor.───油墨黏度或屈服值太高,导致油墨转移性差。
8、yield stress of our MR fluid is of good thermal stability.───流变液的屈服应力对温度具有很好的稳定性。
9、Rotated rheometer was used to determine the yield stress of lithium lubricating grease.───选用旋转流变仪测定了锂基润滑脂的屈服应力。
yield stress(英语使用场景)
1、Relationship between MRF' s yield stress and magnetic flux density, the shear stress and magnetic flux density and shears tress and shear rate were investigated.
2、And the testing-frequency is closely related to the fatigue life too when the alternate stress is higher than yield stress.
3、The transverse stress of clad material was analyzed with the mixing rule, and the results show that the yield stress, tensile stress and the thickness ratio obey exponent function.
4、Vessel burst pressure is the mean between maximum event (explosion) pressure and the yield stress of the vessel.
5、Yield stress is the stress at which a material begins to deform plastically.
6、The dependence of the dynamic yield stress on the electric field can becomes clear with the log-log plot of Figure 3.
7、Viscoelasticity is related to some properties such as gel point, gel strength, yield stress and thixotropy.
8、Mapping rheogram and analyzing thixotropy of fresh cement paste with different superplasticizers by measuring the rheologic parameters such as shearing stress, yield stress and plastic viscosity.
9、The results illustrated that the associative thickener allowed balance of high viscosity and low yield stress.