1、When middle-class incomes barely grow while the incomes of the wealthiest rise by a factor of six, how could the tax share of the rich not go up, even if their tax rate is falling?───中产阶级收入几乎没有增长,而富人的收入却增长了6倍,即使他们的税率下下降,他们交纳的税占总税额的份额怎么能会不升高?
2、A Computable General Equilibrium Model in Studying Partial Factor Tax Incidence───局部要素税税负分布的可计算一般均衡研究
3、Tax is always a factor, but should never distort the underlying economics.───税收向来是一个考虑因素, 但这不能扭曲根本的经济因素.
4、The factor affecting the housing consumption of the town residents is various, including the income level, housing price, population factor, policy about finance and tax etc.───影响城镇居民住房消费需求的因素是多方面的,包括收入水平、住房价格、人口因素、金融和税收政策等等。
factor tax(意思翻译)
factor tax(相似词语短语)
1、dilution factor───[化学]稀释因子;稀释系数
2、genetic factor───遗传因子;遗传因素
4、stickiness factor───卡钻系数
5、critical factor───关键因素;临界因素;临界因子[因素]; 关键因素
6、biological factor───生物因子;[植]生物因素
7、fugacity factor───逸度因子
9、tainting factor───污染因子
factor tax(双语使用场景)
1、When middle-class incomes barely grow while the incomes of the wealthiest rise by a factor of six, how could the tax share of the rich not go up, even if their tax rate is falling?───中产阶级收入几乎没有增长,而富人的收入却增长了6倍,即使他们的税率下下降,他们交纳的税占总税额的份额怎么能会不升高?
2、A Computable General Equilibrium Model in Studying Partial Factor Tax Incidence───局部要素税税负分布的可计算一般均衡研究
3、Tax is always a factor, but should never distort the underlying economics.───税收向来是一个考虑因素, 但这不能扭曲根本的经济因素.
4、The factor affecting the housing consumption of the town residents is various, including the income level, housing price, population factor, policy about finance and tax etc.───影响城镇居民住房消费需求的因素是多方面的,包括收入水平、住房价格、人口因素、金融和税收政策等等。