1、I also hinted towards my bias that time management was a superior philosophy for peak productivity rather than energy management.───我也暗指了时间管理,而不是精力管理,是最高生成力的优势理念的偏见。
2、Use both time and energy management to achieve peak productivity.───同时管理时间和精力达到效率的最高点。
3、Organizational unity is a company's ability to overcome challenges, stimulate creativity and achieve peak productivity and profitability.───组织的团结是保证一个企业有能力克服挑战,激发创造性并获得有效的高生产率的保障。
4、By setting my own schedule, I can work during my peak productivity times.───通过安排我的日程,我可以在我最高效的时间工作。
5、both time and energy management to achieve peak productivity.───同时管理时间和精力达到效率的最高点。
6、The factory is running at peak productivity.───这家工厂的生产正处于最高峰。
7、The steady investment helped BHP keep mines running at peak productivity levels and let it expand some projects.───BHP受益于稳固的投资,维持了矿产高生产水平,借此开展了一些新的扩张项目。
peak productivity(意思翻译)
peak productivity(相似词语短语)
1、agricultural productivity───农业生产率; 农业生产力
2、abnormity peak───异常峰
4、digital productivity───数字化生产力
5、labour productivity───[劳经]劳动生产率
6、aerie peak───鹰巢山
7、productivity tips───生产力提示
8、increase productivity───提高生产率
9、peak amplitude───[物]峰值振幅
peak productivity(双语使用场景)
1、I also hinted towards my bias that time management was a superior philosophy for peak productivity rather than energy management.───我也暗指了时间管理,而不是精力管理,是最高生成力的优势理念的偏见。
2、Use both time and energy management to achieve peak productivity.───同时管理时间和精力达到效率的最高点。
3、Organizational unity is a company's ability to overcome challenges, stimulate creativity and achieve peak productivity and profitability.───组织的团结是保证一个企业有能力克服挑战,激发创造性并获得有效的高生产率的保障。
4、By setting my own schedule, I can work during my peak productivity times.───通过安排我的日程,我可以在我最高效的时间工作。
5、both time and energy management to achieve peak productivity.───同时管理时间和精力达到效率的最高点。
6、The factory is running at peak productivity.───这家工厂的生产正处于最高峰。
7、The steady investment helped BHP keep mines running at peak productivity levels and let it expand some projects.───BHP受益于稳固的投资,维持了矿产高生产水平,借此开展了一些新的扩张项目。