1、She can wheedle everything from her father.───她可以用甜言蜜语从父亲那里骗到一切。
2、The kids can always wheedle money out of their father.───孩子们总是能从父亲那里哄出钱来。
3、The spoiled young woman always is able to wheedle money out of her elderly father by telling him how handsome and generous he is.───这个被宠坏了的女孩总是能通过夸老爸潇洒大方骗得一些钱。
4、Do you think you can wheedle Father into paying for our flight?───你认为自己能给父亲说好话,让他给我们出FeiJiPiao钱吗?
5、Cross decided to beg and wheedle a bit.───克罗斯决定小小地乞求和哄骗一下。
6、Sorry to interrupt, but Jane Wheedle is waiting to see you.───抱歉打扰了,不过珍,惠锋正在等着见您。
7、He managed to wheedle his way into the offices.───他连哄带骗地设法进了办公室。
8、They wheedle out of His money.───他们骗取他的钱。
9、People unknowingly said important things where Wheedle could hear them.───他可以毫无察觉地偷听人们谈论一些重要的事情。
1、She even managed to wheedle more money out of him.
1、wheedle means to───wheedle的意思是
2、wheedle crossword───哄骗纵横字谜
3、wheedle definition───哄骗定义
4、wheedle define───HuShuoBaDao
5、wheedle defined───HuShuoBaDao
6、wheedle and cajole───哄骗
7、wheedle crossword clue───填字游戏线索
1、She can wheedle everything from her father.───她可以用甜言蜜语从父亲那里骗到一切。
2、The kids can always wheedle money out of their father.───孩子们总是能从父亲那里哄出钱来。
3、The spoiled young woman always is able to wheedle money out of her elderly father by telling him how handsome and generous he is.───这个被宠坏了的女孩总是能通过夸老爸潇洒大方骗得一些钱。
4、Do you think you can wheedle Father into paying for our flight?───你认为自己能给父亲说好话,让他给我们出FeiJiPiao钱吗?
5、Cross decided to beg and wheedle a bit.───克罗斯决定小小地乞求和哄骗一下。
6、Sorry to interrupt, but Jane Wheedle is waiting to see you.───抱歉打扰了,不过珍,惠锋正在等着见您。
7、He managed to wheedle his way into the offices.───他连哄带骗地设法进了办公室。
8、They wheedle out of His money.───他们骗取他的钱。
9、People unknowingly said important things where Wheedle could hear them.───他可以毫无察觉地偷听人们谈论一些重要的事情。
1、She even managed to wheedle more money out of him.