1、The president was steadily emboldened by the discovery that he faced no opposition.───发现自己没有受到任何反对,该总统渐渐有了信心。
2、"How much do you pay a week? " ventured Carrie, emboldened by a certain softness in the man's manner and his simplicity of address.───“每星期的工钱是多少?”嘉莉试探着问。那人的态度温和,说话其实,使她胆子大了起来。
3、And North Korea's growing nuclear capacity "may explain why they felt emboldened to carry out an attack as brazen as this, " he said.───而ChaoXian日益增强的HeWuQi能力“或许可以解释,他们为什么胆敢如此明目张胆地发动这类攻击,”他说。
4、Four days of non-stop demonstrations have emboldened the anti-government protesters.───连续四天不间断的ShiWei活动给FanZhengFuKangYi者们壮了胆。
5、He complains of the expectations women place upon their potential suitors, emboldened by the growing surplus of men.───他抱怨说现在女性对未来配偶的期望过高,尤其是在剩男不断堆积的情况下。
6、Emboldened by the wind, he went over to introduce himself to her.───他借酒壮胆,走上前去向她作自我介绍。
7、Emboldened by his welcome, Mr Gomaa offered to help Britain set up a post like his own: state-certified grand mufti.───受到BuLaiEr大力欢迎的鼓励,戈玛提出帮助英国设立一个如同他自己那样的职务:国家认可的大穆夫提。
8、Emboldened by the wine, he went over to introduce himself to her.───他借酒壮胆,走上前去向她作自我介绍。
9、Iraq has long suffered from the infiltration of jihadists from Syria, who might be emboldened if the Assad regime were to fall.───还有,来自叙利亚的ShengZhan分子则让YiLaKe长期深受其苦,阿SaDe政权垮台或许会让那些ShengZhan分子欣喜若狂。
1、The president was steadily emboldened by the discovery that he faced no opposition.───发现自己没有受到任何反对,该总统渐渐有了信心。
2、"How much do you pay a week? " ventured Carrie, emboldened by a certain softness in the man's manner and his simplicity of address.───“每星期的工钱是多少?”嘉莉试探着问。那人的态度温和,说话其实,使她胆子大了起来。
3、And North Korea's growing nuclear capacity "may explain why they felt emboldened to carry out an attack as brazen as this, " he said.───而ChaoXian日益增强的HeWuQi能力“或许可以解释,他们为什么胆敢如此明目张胆地发动这类攻击,”他说。
4、Four days of non-stop demonstrations have emboldened the anti-government protesters.───连续四天不间断的ShiWei活动给FanZhengFuKangYi者们壮了胆。
5、He complains of the expectations women place upon their potential suitors, emboldened by the growing surplus of men.───他抱怨说现在女性对未来配偶的期望过高,尤其是在剩男不断堆积的情况下。
6、Emboldened by the wind, he went over to introduce himself to her.───他借酒壮胆,走上前去向她作自我介绍。
7、Emboldened by his welcome, Mr Gomaa offered to help Britain set up a post like his own: state-certified grand mufti.───受到BuLaiEr大力欢迎的鼓励,戈玛提出帮助英国设立一个如同他自己那样的职务:国家认可的大穆夫提。
8、Emboldened by the wine, he went over to introduce himself to her.───他借酒壮胆,走上前去向她作自我介绍。
9、Iraq has long suffered from the infiltration of jihadists from Syria, who might be emboldened if the Assad regime were to fall.───还有,来自叙利亚的ShengZhan分子则让YiLaKe长期深受其苦,阿SaDe政权垮台或许会让那些ShengZhan分子欣喜若狂。