1、Dengba section is a record of the late stage of oceanic island development, with interbeds of acid lavas at the top, overlain by continuous deposits of limestone and sandstone.───巴东剖面则代表了洋岛火山岩发育的晚期阶段,顶部有酸性熔岩的夹层,火山岩之上连续沉积有灰岩和砂岩。
2、Director Dmitry Rodionov is a Professor of the Teaching and Research Section of Stage Art Management, and chief editor of the Russian magazine the Stage.───馆长罗基沃诺夫·德米特里是俄罗斯国立戏剧学院舞台艺术管理教研室教授,同时还担任俄罗斯《舞台》杂志主编。
3、beginning of the second section a huge gauze screen flies in at the front of the stage onto which a film of Kylie Minogue is projected.───第二节开始时,一幅巨大的薄纱屏幕飞到舞台正前方,上面正在放映关于凯丽·米诺的电影。
section of a stage(意思翻译)
section of a stage(相似词语短语)
1、fridge section───冰箱部分
2、stage by stage───adv.逐步地,一步一步地;分阶段地
4、section a───第一部分
6、stage of───阶段
7、section member───部门成员;科员
8、bakery section───烘焙区
9、headland section───地头剖面
section of a stage(双语使用场景)
1、Dengba section is a record of the late stage of oceanic island development, with interbeds of acid lavas at the top, overlain by continuous deposits of limestone and sandstone.───巴东剖面则代表了洋岛火山岩发育的晚期阶段,顶部有酸性熔岩的夹层,火山岩之上连续沉积有灰岩和砂岩。
2、Director Dmitry Rodionov is a Professor of the Teaching and Research Section of Stage Art Management, and chief editor of the Russian magazine the Stage.───馆长罗基沃诺夫·德米特里是俄罗斯国立戏剧学院舞台艺术管理教研室教授,同时还担任俄罗斯《舞台》杂志主编。
3、beginning of the second section a huge gauze screen flies in at the front of the stage onto which a film of Kylie Minogue is projected.───第二节开始时,一幅巨大的薄纱屏幕飞到舞台正前方,上面正在放映关于凯丽·米诺的电影。