1、In the same way, you can create a high-contrast look and feel with white text on black background and normal font size just by providing another resource file as shown in Listing 4.───通过与之相同的方法,您可以创建一个带有白文本、黑背景、普通大小字体的高对比度的look and feel,您只需提供如清单4所示的另一个资源文件。
2、Without specialized tools or a running virtual machine, a VHD file is essentially a black box.───没有特别的工具或运行中的虚拟机,VHD文件基本上是个黑盒。
3、The message was scrawled with a black sharpie pen he didn't bother to recap on a manila folder from our home office file drawer.───这张用黑色夏普钢笔写的便条字迹很潦草,他没有心思再从我们家的办公文件夹里,拿一张马尼拉纸重新写一遍。
black file(意思翻译)
black file(相似词语短语)
1、chiropodist file───手足病档案
2、back file───备用文件;后备文件
3、lever file───杠杆锉
5、download file───下载文件;[计]下装文件
6、scad file───scad文件
7、ephemeral file───临时文件
8、fact file───事实档案
9、enclosed file───附件
black file(双语使用场景)
1、In the same way, you can create a high-contrast look and feel with white text on black background and normal font size just by providing another resource file as shown in Listing 4.───通过与之相同的方法,您可以创建一个带有白文本、黑背景、普通大小字体的高对比度的look and feel,您只需提供如清单4所示的另一个资源文件。
2、Without specialized tools or a running virtual machine, a VHD file is essentially a black box.───没有特别的工具或运行中的虚拟机,VHD文件基本上是个黑盒。
3、The message was scrawled with a black sharpie pen he didn't bother to recap on a manila folder from our home office file drawer.───这张用黑色夏普钢笔写的便条字迹很潦草,他没有心思再从我们家的办公文件夹里,拿一张马尼拉纸重新写一遍。