1、This welding process joints work pieces by melting the electrode and the base metal with the heat from the electric arc between the electrode and the work piece.───它是一种利用焊条与工件之间电弧产生的热量熔化焊条和母材而将被焊工件连接起来的焊接方法。
2、effect of process parameters on the electric insulance of micro arc oxidated ceramic coat on aluminium plate is studied.───研究了工艺参数对铝微弧氧化陶瓷层电绝缘性能的影响规律。
3、The microhardness of JCW-S-AM coatings prepared by high velocity electric arc spraying on conditions of different process parameters was tested by hardometer.───采用超音速电弧喷涂设备在不同工艺参数条件下制备JCW - S - AM涂层,利用显微硬度计测定各种涂层的显微硬度。
electric arc process(意思翻译)
electric arc process(相似词语短语)
1、arc games───弧形游戏
2、jerboa arc───跳鼠弧
3、refract arc───折射弧
5、arc touch───弧光触摸
6、fordo arc───福尔多弧
7、arc flash───电弧闪光
8、unharmonious arc───不协调弧
electric arc process(双语使用场景)
1、This welding process joints work pieces by melting the electrode and the base metal with the heat from the electric arc between the electrode and the work piece.───它是一种利用焊条与工件之间电弧产生的热量熔化焊条和母材而将被焊工件连接起来的焊接方法。
2、effect of process parameters on the electric insulance of micro arc oxidated ceramic coat on aluminium plate is studied.───研究了工艺参数对铝微弧氧化陶瓷层电绝缘性能的影响规律。
3、The microhardness of JCW-S-AM coatings prepared by high velocity electric arc spraying on conditions of different process parameters was tested by hardometer.───采用超音速电弧喷涂设备在不同工艺参数条件下制备JCW - S - AM涂层,利用显微硬度计测定各种涂层的显微硬度。