1、LM showed exudation of large number of red cells and fibrin in alveolar space.───光镜下可见肺泡腔内有大量的红细胞及纤维蛋白渗出;
2、The results under: LPS group alveolar space and a large number of small airway inflammatory cell infiltration, edema and bleeding obvious.───结果镜下:LPS组肺泡腔和小气道内有大量炎性细胞浸润,明显出血水肿。
3、also useful in the evaluation of the (local) size of alveolar space.───在评价肺泡空间的(局部)大小中也非常有用。
4、The results showed that alveolar walls thickened gradually, lung interstitium increased and alveolar space decreased along with the time course.───结果显示,随照射时间延长,肺泡壁渐增厚、肺间质所占面积增大,肺泡腔进行性缩小。
alveolar space(英语使用场景)
1、This tissue gram stain of an acute pneumonia demonstrates gram positive cocci that have been eaten by the numerous PMN's exuded into the alveolar space.
alveolar space(意思翻译)
alveolar space(相似词语短语)
1、alveolar duct───[组织][解剖]肺泡管
2、palato alveolar───腭牙槽
3、alveolar epithelium───[组织]肺泡上皮
4、alveolar socket───牙槽
5、alveolar air───肺泡气
6、alveolar ventilation───肺泡通气量;[生理][内科]肺泡通气
8、alveolar bone───[解剖]牙槽骨
9、alveolar ridge───牙槽嵴
alveolar space(双语使用场景)
1、LM showed exudation of large number of red cells and fibrin in alveolar space.───光镜下可见肺泡腔内有大量的红细胞及纤维蛋白渗出;
2、The results under: LPS group alveolar space and a large number of small airway inflammatory cell infiltration, edema and bleeding obvious.───结果镜下:LPS组肺泡腔和小气道内有大量炎性细胞浸润,明显出血水肿。
3、also useful in the evaluation of the (local) size of alveolar space.───在评价肺泡空间的(局部)大小中也非常有用。
4、The results showed that alveolar walls thickened gradually, lung interstitium increased and alveolar space decreased along with the time course.───结果显示,随照射时间延长,肺泡壁渐增厚、肺间质所占面积增大,肺泡腔进行性缩小。
alveolar space(英语使用场景)
1、This tissue gram stain of an acute pneumonia demonstrates gram positive cocci that have been eaten by the numerous PMN's exuded into the alveolar space.