1、One major problem is that degraded soils become compacted and so absorb less water, which then tends to run off the surface, taking topsoil with it.───一个主要的问题是,退化的土壤变得密实,造成吸水量减少,从而导致水从地表流失并将表土带走。
2、blasting residues were compacted and refused on the site to create the project's new ground: a disturbed surface rather than one extracted from the territory.───爆破产生的残渣通过压实形成地面,而没有在基地上进行新的铺装:采用干预性的表面而不是对场地进行挖掘。
3、Worn beneath your moisturizer, it gently lifts away dull, compacted surface cells, allowing more of your moisturizer to penetrate.───滋润肌肤健康的重要助推器。戴在保湿下方,轻轻升降机远离沉闷,压实表面细胞,让你的保湿渗透。
compacted surface(意思翻译)
compacted surface(相似词语短语)
1、compacted by───压实
4、compacted dga───压实dga
5、compacted stools───DaBian
6、placid surface───平静表面
7、compacted wood───压实木材
8、compacted snow───[体]结实的雪
9、surface data───曲面数据;表面数据;地面资料
compacted surface(双语使用场景)
1、One major problem is that degraded soils become compacted and so absorb less water, which then tends to run off the surface, taking topsoil with it.───一个主要的问题是,退化的土壤变得密实,造成吸水量减少,从而导致水从地表流失并将表土带走。
2、blasting residues were compacted and refused on the site to create the project's new ground: a disturbed surface rather than one extracted from the territory.───爆破产生的残渣通过压实形成地面,而没有在基地上进行新的铺装:采用干预性的表面而不是对场地进行挖掘。
3、Worn beneath your moisturizer, it gently lifts away dull, compacted surface cells, allowing more of your moisturizer to penetrate.───滋润肌肤健康的重要助推器。戴在保湿下方,轻轻升降机远离沉闷,压实表面细胞,让你的保湿渗透。