1、Hu said the China-Central Asia natural gas pipeline is a model of solidarity and mutually beneficial cooperation among the four countries.───HuZhuXi说,这条连接中国和中亚的天然气管道是四国团结互利关系的一个典范。
2、China Central Television, the nation's dominant broadcaster, is trying to develop its own online video site.───中国ZhongYangDianShiTai,这个国家的电视媒体业界的龙头老大,正在试图发展他自己的在线视频网站。
3、hotel is next to a newly constructed tower for China Central Television (CCTV), but no one has moved into that building either.───宾馆坐落于CCTV的新楼旁边,但还没有人搬进去。
4、Also, the company last year began sponsoring 'Anta Sports Personality, ' a program on national broadcaster China Central Television.───安踏去年还开始赞助“安踏CCTV体坛风云人物”。
5、The day after I won the title, a China Central TV reporter told me that all copies of every major Beijing newspaper had sold out.───得了冠军第二天,我们CCTV一个记者告诉我,昨天的北京各大报纸被抢购一空。
6、State-run China Central Television said they were believed to be in three parts of the mine that remained cut off by water.───据中国ZhongYangDianShiTai报道,据信这些矿工处在矿中的三个不同位置,仍然被水阻隔。
7、Perhaps most surprising, however, was the response on China Central Television, one of the Communist Party's official mouthpieces.───然而,可能最令人感到意外的当属中国ZhongYangDianShiTai (Guo Gong)发表的评论了。
8、He then returned to China Central People's Radio Station, where he worked his way up from a reporter to a managerial position.───随后刘先生重返中央人民广播电台,在那里,他从记者一直晋升到管理阶层。
9、Soon after, Baidu signed a multimillion-dollar sponsorship deal with China Central Television, which had broadcast an investigative piece on Baidu.───不久百度与CCTV签订了价值约数百万美元的赞助协议,之前CCTV播出了一个针对百度的调查报告。
china central(英语使用场景)
1、China Central Ballet exercises the appointment and annual salary systems for entire employees, which has effectively inspired their initiative for artistic production.
2、China Central Television . It's our national television station.
3、CCTV stands for China Central Television; CBC stands for Canadian Broadcasting Corpration.
4、The Chinese fans were prepared to express their feelings and shed their tears of excitement. We were just one step from victory, China Central Television announcer Tong Kexin said Saturday.
5、Party-run coverage from broadcaster China Central Television, including repeated footage of flags being lowered to half-staff, replaced normal programming on many broadcasters.
6、Yunbo: China Central Television . It's our national television station.
7、Bai Yansong, anchorman with China Central Television , said he opposed the boycott.
8、CETV-2 is a continued educational channel, which mainly offers the distance education TV courses provided by the China Central Radio and Television University.
9、Because of RMB'S excess issue through foreign currency assets - RMBmodel in China, Central Bank Bill as a debt tool has been replacing the excess currency.
china central(意思翻译)
china central(相似词语短语)
1、central reach───中心河段
4、central tendency───[统计]集中趋势;居中趋向;集中趋势(指匀数、中数与众数而言)
5、central area───中心地区;中心区;市中心区
6、central location───中央位置;[计]中央单元
7、central time───n.中央标准时间(用于美国和加拿大中部)
8、client central───客户端中心
9、art central───艺术中心
china central(双语使用场景)
1、Hu said the China-Central Asia natural gas pipeline is a model of solidarity and mutually beneficial cooperation among the four countries.───HuZhuXi说,这条连接中国和中亚的天然气管道是四国团结互利关系的一个典范。
2、China Central Television, the nation's dominant broadcaster, is trying to develop its own online video site.───中国ZhongYangDianShiTai,这个国家的电视媒体业界的龙头老大,正在试图发展他自己的在线视频网站。
3、hotel is next to a newly constructed tower for China Central Television (CCTV), but no one has moved into that building either.───宾馆坐落于CCTV的新楼旁边,但还没有人搬进去。
4、Also, the company last year began sponsoring 'Anta Sports Personality, ' a program on national broadcaster China Central Television.───安踏去年还开始赞助“安踏CCTV体坛风云人物”。
5、The day after I won the title, a China Central TV reporter told me that all copies of every major Beijing newspaper had sold out.───得了冠军第二天,我们CCTV一个记者告诉我,昨天的北京各大报纸被抢购一空。
6、State-run China Central Television said they were believed to be in three parts of the mine that remained cut off by water.───据中国ZhongYangDianShiTai报道,据信这些矿工处在矿中的三个不同位置,仍然被水阻隔。
7、Perhaps most surprising, however, was the response on China Central Television, one of the Communist Party's official mouthpieces.───然而,可能最令人感到意外的当属中国ZhongYangDianShiTai (Guo Gong)发表的评论了。
8、He then returned to China Central People's Radio Station, where he worked his way up from a reporter to a managerial position.───随后刘先生重返中央人民广播电台,在那里,他从记者一直晋升到管理阶层。
9、Soon after, Baidu signed a multimillion-dollar sponsorship deal with China Central Television, which had broadcast an investigative piece on Baidu.───不久百度与CCTV签订了价值约数百万美元的赞助协议,之前CCTV播出了一个针对百度的调查报告。
china central(英语使用场景)
1、China Central Ballet exercises the appointment and annual salary systems for entire employees, which has effectively inspired their initiative for artistic production.
2、China Central Television . It's our national television station.
3、CCTV stands for China Central Television; CBC stands for Canadian Broadcasting Corpration.
4、The Chinese fans were prepared to express their feelings and shed their tears of excitement. We were just one step from victory, China Central Television announcer Tong Kexin said Saturday.
5、Party-run coverage from broadcaster China Central Television, including repeated footage of flags being lowered to half-staff, replaced normal programming on many broadcasters.
6、Yunbo: China Central Television . It's our national television station.
7、Bai Yansong, anchorman with China Central Television , said he opposed the boycott.
8、CETV-2 is a continued educational channel, which mainly offers the distance education TV courses provided by the China Central Radio and Television University.
9、Because of RMB'S excess issue through foreign currency assets - RMBmodel in China, Central Bank Bill as a debt tool has been replacing the excess currency.