1、Gibbs: Not a lot's known about Jack before he showed up in Tortuga with a mind to go after the treasure of the Isla de Muerta.───吉布斯:在他出现在托尔图加之前,我并不太了解杰克•斯帕罗这个人,他只想寻找死亡之岛的宝藏。
2、It went on like this for a while. Gibbs did not give any ground, and declined support the idea that the Coast Guard had done anything wrong.───像这样周旋了挺久,吉布斯没有留下任何余地,拒绝支持记者们关于海岸警卫队有错的观点。
3、Though we've never had a catastrophic loss such as that, Gibbs and I did have a close call shortly before we decided to simplify.───虽然我们从未经历过那样的灾难性损失,但吉布斯和我确实在我们决定简化程序之前进行了一次简短的密切通话。
4、Spokesman Robert Gibbs said the address was simply meant to give students a boost at the start of a new school year.───发言人吉布斯说,讲话只是在新学期的开始让学生们振奋精神。
5、Joe Gibbs has returned to the Washington Redskins after 11 years away from the gridiron.───乔·吉伯斯在离开橄榄球场11年后重返华盛顿红人队。
6、Ukraine's stockpile of HEU, which Gibbs estimated to be at least 90 kilograms, is "enough to construct several nuclear weapons. "───据吉布斯估计,乌克兰的高浓缩You库存量至少在90公斤以上,足以用来制造数枚HeWuQi。
7、The surface excess was computed from the Gibbs adsorption isotherm and was found to be in good agreement with experimental results.───表面过剩计算从吉布斯吸附等温线和被发现符合较好的实验结果。
8、Gibbs was arrested in the early hours of yesterday morning.───吉布斯在昨天凌晨被捕。
9、'You will hear the president express clearly that this is not open-ended, ' White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said.───白宫发言人吉布斯 (Robert Gibbs)说,你们将会听到总统明确表示,这不是无限制的。
1、Gibbs brought mushrooms for the fiesta.
2、Gibbs was arrested in the early hours of yesterday morning.
3、Gibbs calls it a blatant violation of the federal Fair Housing Act, which forbids using federal money for gentrification.
4、Mrs Gibbs regarded it with a little shock of instant pleasure for her daughter's undoubted talent.
5、Gibbs had an X-ray which revealed no broken bones.
6、When peace came in 1801, Gibbs was able to set up a profitable business in Cadiz.
7、Mr Gibbs returned with five wafers, one each for everybody except his wife.
8、Gibbs says the same strategy is happening again, under the unspoken banner of gentrification.
9、Hershelle Gibbs, who is a fine athlete and has a lot of cricketing potential.
1、gerville gibbs───格维尔·吉布斯
2、tief gibbs───深吉布斯
1、Gibbs: Not a lot's known about Jack before he showed up in Tortuga with a mind to go after the treasure of the Isla de Muerta.───吉布斯:在他出现在托尔图加之前,我并不太了解杰克•斯帕罗这个人,他只想寻找死亡之岛的宝藏。
2、It went on like this for a while. Gibbs did not give any ground, and declined support the idea that the Coast Guard had done anything wrong.───像这样周旋了挺久,吉布斯没有留下任何余地,拒绝支持记者们关于海岸警卫队有错的观点。
3、Though we've never had a catastrophic loss such as that, Gibbs and I did have a close call shortly before we decided to simplify.───虽然我们从未经历过那样的灾难性损失,但吉布斯和我确实在我们决定简化程序之前进行了一次简短的密切通话。
4、Spokesman Robert Gibbs said the address was simply meant to give students a boost at the start of a new school year.───发言人吉布斯说,讲话只是在新学期的开始让学生们振奋精神。
5、Joe Gibbs has returned to the Washington Redskins after 11 years away from the gridiron.───乔·吉伯斯在离开橄榄球场11年后重返华盛顿红人队。
6、Ukraine's stockpile of HEU, which Gibbs estimated to be at least 90 kilograms, is "enough to construct several nuclear weapons. "───据吉布斯估计,乌克兰的高浓缩You库存量至少在90公斤以上,足以用来制造数枚HeWuQi。
7、The surface excess was computed from the Gibbs adsorption isotherm and was found to be in good agreement with experimental results.───表面过剩计算从吉布斯吸附等温线和被发现符合较好的实验结果。
8、Gibbs was arrested in the early hours of yesterday morning.───吉布斯在昨天凌晨被捕。
9、'You will hear the president express clearly that this is not open-ended, ' White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said.───白宫发言人吉布斯 (Robert Gibbs)说,你们将会听到总统明确表示,这不是无限制的。
1、Gibbs brought mushrooms for the fiesta.
2、Gibbs was arrested in the early hours of yesterday morning.
3、Gibbs calls it a blatant violation of the federal Fair Housing Act, which forbids using federal money for gentrification.
4、Mrs Gibbs regarded it with a little shock of instant pleasure for her daughter's undoubted talent.
5、Gibbs had an X-ray which revealed no broken bones.
6、When peace came in 1801, Gibbs was able to set up a profitable business in Cadiz.
7、Mr Gibbs returned with five wafers, one each for everybody except his wife.
8、Gibbs says the same strategy is happening again, under the unspoken banner of gentrification.
9、Hershelle Gibbs, who is a fine athlete and has a lot of cricketing potential.