1、rock mass strength under load at determined bridge foundation position is checked with strength criterion to determine the reasonable position of the bridge foundation.───用岩体强度准则对桥基位置下岩坡岩体强度进行校核,最终确定桥基合理位置。
2、However, their focus was not on aerobics, but rather on weight-training programs designed to develop muscular mass, strength, and endurance in their primarily male enthusiasts.───然而,他们的重点并不是有氧运动,而是负重训练项目,旨在培养他们的肌肉质量、力量和耐力等主要的男性魅力。
3、The stability of the wall rock Were also calculated from the rock and the rock mass strength Parameters respectively.───同时,分别利用岩体强度指标和岩块强度指标计算了泵房围岩的稳定性。
4、Weight-training programs develop muscular mass, strength and endurance in their primarily male enthusiasts───为男性锻炼肌肉、力量和耐力而设的负重运动
5、The corrosion depress the rock mass strength, which influence the stabilization and deformation of dam foundation.───这些溶蚀岩体的发育使得岩体强度降低,影响坝基的抗滑稳定和压缩变形。
6、At first, the general engineer can not see mass strength and throws doubt upon completion of the task.───开始,总工程师看不到群众的力量,对完成任务持怀疑态度。
7、Determines the mass strength of a cylindrical column of pelletized carbon black to predict its flow capability in bulk handling systems.───在圆柱形容器中检测粒状炭黑的堆积强度来指示大批量作业时炭黑的变形性能。
8、The rock mass strength parameters around a certain coal mine's center pump house were gained from a new method.───利用一种新方法得出了某矿中央泵房的岩体强度指标。
9、The deterioration of rock mass strength and the hydraulic effect caused by water-rock interaction have been well known as the two factors that could weaken the stability of reservoir bank.───岩作用造成的岩土体强度劣化及水力学效应一直被认为是水库岸坡稳定性降低的两个因素。
mass strength(英语使用场景)
1、One so powerful and effective that it adds new meaning to mass, strength, muscularity , performance, and recovery.
2、The stability of the wall rock Were also calculated rock and rock mass strength Parameters respectively.
3、The anisotropy of rock mass strength and deformation directly affects its stability.
mass strength(意思翻译)
mass strength(相似词语短语)
2、shear strength───切变强度
3、sapped strength───磨损强度
4、pulsating strength───脉动强度
5、regain strength───恢复体力
6、gaining strength───力量增加;增加力量
7、vulcan strength───瓦肯力量
8、full strength───满员;全强度
mass strength(双语使用场景)
1、rock mass strength under load at determined bridge foundation position is checked with strength criterion to determine the reasonable position of the bridge foundation.───用岩体强度准则对桥基位置下岩坡岩体强度进行校核,最终确定桥基合理位置。
2、However, their focus was not on aerobics, but rather on weight-training programs designed to develop muscular mass, strength, and endurance in their primarily male enthusiasts.───然而,他们的重点并不是有氧运动,而是负重训练项目,旨在培养他们的肌肉质量、力量和耐力等主要的男性魅力。
3、The stability of the wall rock Were also calculated from the rock and the rock mass strength Parameters respectively.───同时,分别利用岩体强度指标和岩块强度指标计算了泵房围岩的稳定性。
4、Weight-training programs develop muscular mass, strength and endurance in their primarily male enthusiasts───为男性锻炼肌肉、力量和耐力而设的负重运动
5、The corrosion depress the rock mass strength, which influence the stabilization and deformation of dam foundation.───这些溶蚀岩体的发育使得岩体强度降低,影响坝基的抗滑稳定和压缩变形。
6、At first, the general engineer can not see mass strength and throws doubt upon completion of the task.───开始,总工程师看不到群众的力量,对完成任务持怀疑态度。
7、Determines the mass strength of a cylindrical column of pelletized carbon black to predict its flow capability in bulk handling systems.───在圆柱形容器中检测粒状炭黑的堆积强度来指示大批量作业时炭黑的变形性能。
8、The rock mass strength parameters around a certain coal mine's center pump house were gained from a new method.───利用一种新方法得出了某矿中央泵房的岩体强度指标。
9、The deterioration of rock mass strength and the hydraulic effect caused by water-rock interaction have been well known as the two factors that could weaken the stability of reservoir bank.───岩作用造成的岩土体强度劣化及水力学效应一直被认为是水库岸坡稳定性降低的两个因素。
mass strength(英语使用场景)
1、One so powerful and effective that it adds new meaning to mass, strength, muscularity , performance, and recovery.
2、The stability of the wall rock Were also calculated rock and rock mass strength Parameters respectively.
3、The anisotropy of rock mass strength and deformation directly affects its stability.