1、Feng Hui says when she's traveling in Switzerland, she has found big differences between people who speak different languages.───冯晖说道,当她在瑞士旅游时,她发现讲不同语言的人之间的差别很大。
2、Beijing Hui Feng An Trade Co. , Ltd.───北京汇丰安贸易有限公司。
3、Part 2: the theoretical connotation of truth in Hui feng Ci Hua.───第二部分:《蕙风词话》中“真”的理论内涵。
4、Zhejiang YaMaJia machinery co. , LTD is located in yuhuan hui feng machinery factory is located in China has a around the island, the morning mist shape such as ring;───浙江亚玛嘉机械有限公司位于中国玉环亚玛嘉机械厂座落于有着“晨雾绕岛,形状如环;
hui feng(意思翻译)
hui feng(相似词语短语)
1、chen feng───陈峰
2、hui xin───许欣
3、aragonite feng shui───文石风水
4、xin feng───信丰
5、mei hui qu───曲美惠
6、bu hui───卜慧
7、feng fe───冯菲
hui feng(双语使用场景)
1、Feng Hui says when she's traveling in Switzerland, she has found big differences between people who speak different languages.───冯晖说道,当她在瑞士旅游时,她发现讲不同语言的人之间的差别很大。
2、Beijing Hui Feng An Trade Co. , Ltd.───北京汇丰安贸易有限公司。
3、Part 2: the theoretical connotation of truth in Hui feng Ci Hua.───第二部分:《蕙风词话》中“真”的理论内涵。
4、Zhejiang YaMaJia machinery co. , LTD is located in yuhuan hui feng machinery factory is located in China has a around the island, the morning mist shape such as ring;───浙江亚玛嘉机械有限公司位于中国玉环亚玛嘉机械厂座落于有着“晨雾绕岛,形状如环;