1、he converted a powered hang-glider, removing its small combustion engine and replacing it with a battery and an electric motor.───他转向了动力滑翔机,同时把小型内燃机拆了下来,用电池和电动机来替代。
2、Turn everything off, disconnect the motor battery, and hook up a motor (with a suitable propeller).───把一切小康,断开汽车电池,并钩了一个电机(与一个合适的螺旋桨)。
3、As in typical hybrid cars, during braking the motor ACTS as a generator and recharges the battery.───作为一种典型的混合动力车,车辆也采用了制动发电机和充电电池。
4、What gives the Storck Cosworth extra pep is a 250W electric motor powered by a lithium-polymer battery.───给斯托克考斯沃斯额外动力的是一个由锂聚合物电池供电的250瓦电力发动机。
5、Industry: Electric motor; Battery Accessories; Metal stamping parts; Machine Tool Accessories; Construction Machinery Parts;───所属行业:电动机;电池组配件;五金冲压件;机床附件;工程机械配件;;
motor battery(意思翻译)
motor battery(相似词语短语)
2、battery terminal───蓄电池电极;蓄电池夹
3、battery compartment───[车辆]蓄电池箱;电池盒/舱
5、motor error───电机故障
6、battery tender───蓄电池投标
7、aaa battery───7号电池
8、battery low───电池电量不足
9、rocket motor───[航]火箭发动机
motor battery(双语使用场景)
1、he converted a powered hang-glider, removing its small combustion engine and replacing it with a battery and an electric motor.───他转向了动力滑翔机,同时把小型内燃机拆了下来,用电池和电动机来替代。
2、Turn everything off, disconnect the motor battery, and hook up a motor (with a suitable propeller).───把一切小康,断开汽车电池,并钩了一个电机(与一个合适的螺旋桨)。
3、As in typical hybrid cars, during braking the motor ACTS as a generator and recharges the battery.───作为一种典型的混合动力车,车辆也采用了制动发电机和充电电池。
4、What gives the Storck Cosworth extra pep is a 250W electric motor powered by a lithium-polymer battery.───给斯托克考斯沃斯额外动力的是一个由锂聚合物电池供电的250瓦电力发动机。
5、Industry: Electric motor; Battery Accessories; Metal stamping parts; Machine Tool Accessories; Construction Machinery Parts;───所属行业:电动机;电池组配件;五金冲压件;机床附件;工程机械配件;;