1、He promised me a silver fourpenny on the first of every month if I would only keep my weather eye open for a seafaring man with one leg.───他答应每个月初给我一枚四便士银币,只要我能留心看着一个只有一条腿的水手。
2、Sure. But you can only keep them for a week.───当然,但是你只能借一周。
3、I'll only keep you a few minutes.───我只耽搁你几分钟。
4、In our environment, we only keep them for a week, but we keep compiled summary reports indefinitely, allowing for historical trend analysis.───在我们的环境中,我们只将它们保留一个周,但是我们无限期地保留已编译的摘要报表,以便进行历史趋势分析。
5、If you only keep about $100 in the bank, you only save a few bucks a year by moving from the worst rate to the best.───如果你只在银行存了一百块钱,你从一个最差的利率撞到一个最好的利率,可能也只是一年存上几块钱。
6、However a charge of larceny, rather than armed robbery, will probably only keep him in jail for one year at the most.───然而韦罗内被控犯有盗窃罪,而不是持械QiangJie,可能最多只能在监狱里待一年时间。
7、People not only keep fit or keep a good shape through doing more physical exercises, but also through making friends who have the similar interests.───人们不但可以通过加强锻炼,而且能够通过结交志同道合的朋友来保持健康和维持身材。
8、When working on your computer, only keep the programs you need open.───电脑时,只开你需要打开的那个程序。
9、I can only keep doing what I've been doing and then it is up to the boss to pick who he wants.───我只会继续这么做我曾经所做到的,然后这取决于老板挑选他想让谁上场。
only keep(英语使用场景)
1、By analyzing the existing smart terminals, put forward the smart terminal system structure that not only keep with current need but also match again to the trend in the future in this thesis.
2、If I would only keep my mouth shut more often, I thought, I would fit in better everywhere.
3、Results show that bond parameter not only keep all information of the molecular connectivity but also can be applied inh alkaline metal compounds.
4、You skip school, they only keep you back a year.
5、And would-be self-improvers among adults need only keep one eye on the checklist to produce an acceptable composition.
6、With this release it can only keep strongly-typed datasets in sync.
7、But until that time comes, we can only keep the laws relating to spiritual purity which are unconnected with the Temple.
8、This algorithm can not only keep the merits of the original EM, but also facilitate the results converge o the global minimum.
9、They could only keep a formation in static mode and thats very vulnerable to mobile cavalry horse archery tactics.
only keep(意思翻译)
only keep(相似词语短语)
1、only only love───只有爱
2、abstinence only───唯有禁欲
3、keep read only───保持只读
4、only only we know───只有我们知道
5、only you only girl───只有你,唯一的女孩
6、drummers only───仅限鼓手
9、only only one───只有一个
only keep(双语使用场景)
1、He promised me a silver fourpenny on the first of every month if I would only keep my weather eye open for a seafaring man with one leg.───他答应每个月初给我一枚四便士银币,只要我能留心看着一个只有一条腿的水手。
2、Sure. But you can only keep them for a week.───当然,但是你只能借一周。
3、I'll only keep you a few minutes.───我只耽搁你几分钟。
4、In our environment, we only keep them for a week, but we keep compiled summary reports indefinitely, allowing for historical trend analysis.───在我们的环境中,我们只将它们保留一个周,但是我们无限期地保留已编译的摘要报表,以便进行历史趋势分析。
5、If you only keep about $100 in the bank, you only save a few bucks a year by moving from the worst rate to the best.───如果你只在银行存了一百块钱,你从一个最差的利率撞到一个最好的利率,可能也只是一年存上几块钱。
6、However a charge of larceny, rather than armed robbery, will probably only keep him in jail for one year at the most.───然而韦罗内被控犯有盗窃罪,而不是持械QiangJie,可能最多只能在监狱里待一年时间。
7、People not only keep fit or keep a good shape through doing more physical exercises, but also through making friends who have the similar interests.───人们不但可以通过加强锻炼,而且能够通过结交志同道合的朋友来保持健康和维持身材。
8、When working on your computer, only keep the programs you need open.───电脑时,只开你需要打开的那个程序。
9、I can only keep doing what I've been doing and then it is up to the boss to pick who he wants.───我只会继续这么做我曾经所做到的,然后这取决于老板挑选他想让谁上场。
only keep(英语使用场景)
1、By analyzing the existing smart terminals, put forward the smart terminal system structure that not only keep with current need but also match again to the trend in the future in this thesis.
2、If I would only keep my mouth shut more often, I thought, I would fit in better everywhere.
3、Results show that bond parameter not only keep all information of the molecular connectivity but also can be applied inh alkaline metal compounds.
4、You skip school, they only keep you back a year.
5、And would-be self-improvers among adults need only keep one eye on the checklist to produce an acceptable composition.
6、With this release it can only keep strongly-typed datasets in sync.
7、But until that time comes, we can only keep the laws relating to spiritual purity which are unconnected with the Temple.
8、This algorithm can not only keep the merits of the original EM, but also facilitate the results converge o the global minimum.
9、They could only keep a formation in static mode and thats very vulnerable to mobile cavalry horse archery tactics.