1、The necessity to carry out full curved heavy dynamic sounding test in geological survey of such pile footing construction is proposed also.───提出了在此类桩基工程地质勘察中进行全曲线重型动力触探试验的必要性。
2、Application of Heavy Dynamic Sounding Test in Granite Area in Guangdong───重型动力触探试验在广东花岗岩地区的应用
3、Study on Dynamic Sounding on Angular Gravels in the Yaluzangbu River Valley───雅江流域碎石层动力触探试验研究
4、heavy cone dynamic sounding tests and the pressure tests, grouting treatment is proved to be very efficient.───重型圆锥动力触探及旁压试验检测结果显示,注浆处理效果良好。
5、Comparison of bearing capacity of composite foundation between static load test and dynamic sounding test───复合地基承载力静载荷与动力触探检测比较
6、The application of dynamic sounding in engineering───动力触探在工程实践中的应用
7、Technical regulation for dynamic sounding───动力触探技术规定
8、Soilaggregate pavement consolidation quality detection in dynamic sounding method in Jia-Ji highway───集佳公路采用动力触探法进行碎石土路基压实质量检测
9、The comparison of the results of the dynamic sounding test between grouted loess and the loess without grouting shows the feasibility of grouting re.───采用动力触探试验方法进行了黄土路基注浆加固效果评价, 对注浆前后现场动力触探结果进行了比较分析,证明了注浆加固方案的可行性和加固效果。
dynamic sounding(意思翻译)
dynamic sounding(相似词语短语)
1、dynamic poses───动态姿势
2、group dynamic───群体动力
3、dynamic forces───[物]动力
5、dynamic abt───动态abt
6、dynamic braking───[机]动态制动;[机]动力制动;动力制动,动态制动
7、sounding off───奏序曲;提高声音说话;依次报数;吹号
8、dynamic stretches───动态拉伸
9、dynamic pricing───动态定价
dynamic sounding(双语使用场景)
1、The necessity to carry out full curved heavy dynamic sounding test in geological survey of such pile footing construction is proposed also.───提出了在此类桩基工程地质勘察中进行全曲线重型动力触探试验的必要性。
2、Application of Heavy Dynamic Sounding Test in Granite Area in Guangdong───重型动力触探试验在广东花岗岩地区的应用
3、Study on Dynamic Sounding on Angular Gravels in the Yaluzangbu River Valley───雅江流域碎石层动力触探试验研究
4、heavy cone dynamic sounding tests and the pressure tests, grouting treatment is proved to be very efficient.───重型圆锥动力触探及旁压试验检测结果显示,注浆处理效果良好。
5、Comparison of bearing capacity of composite foundation between static load test and dynamic sounding test───复合地基承载力静载荷与动力触探检测比较
6、The application of dynamic sounding in engineering───动力触探在工程实践中的应用
7、Technical regulation for dynamic sounding───动力触探技术规定
8、Soilaggregate pavement consolidation quality detection in dynamic sounding method in Jia-Ji highway───集佳公路采用动力触探法进行碎石土路基压实质量检测
9、The comparison of the results of the dynamic sounding test between grouted loess and the loess without grouting shows the feasibility of grouting re.───采用动力触探试验方法进行了黄土路基注浆加固效果评价, 对注浆前后现场动力触探结果进行了比较分析,证明了注浆加固方案的可行性和加固效果。