1、She carried her heroism to the pitch of knitting socks for the forthcoming baby, although to do so made her heart palpitate uncomfortably.───她自告奋勇地为即将出生的婴儿编织袜子,虽然做这件事也使得她的心不安地突突狂跳。
2、is giddy palpitate handled after drunk wine?───醉酒后头晕心慌怎么处理呢?
3、Long stretches of the palpitate after throbbing, next endless, the fall of rain more than they had ever.───延绵的秋雨一悸又一悸,下个没完没了,今年秋季的雨水比往年多了许多。
4、He felt suddenly faint, and his heart began to palpitate.───他突然感到晕厥,心脏也开始悸动。
5、The air of the sleeping-chamber seemed to palpitate with the hopeless passion of the two of singers.───睡觉的空气室似乎心跳的激情与绝望的两个歌手。
6、The thought of flying makes me palpitate.───一想到飞行我就心情紧张。
7、The film is like this too, men and women palpitate with excitement together, the spark of the love is lighted in a flash.───电影也是如此,男女一起,怦然心动,一瞬间爱情的火花被点燃。
8、Tap the beat-up by the weekend, the heart palpitate looked up , the last strong open our bleary eyes.───周末被乒乒乓乓的敲打声惊醒,心脏突突跳得厉害,不得已强睁开惺忪的睡眼。
9、The is in the middle you see from the writing oneself of sadness, see oneself of wound and flounder, antinomy and palpitate.───从文字当中你看到自己的忧伤,看到自己的伤口与挣扎,矛盾与悸动。
1、palpi define───帕尔比定义
2、bidigital palpation───双指触诊
3、palpi function grasshopper───帕尔皮函数蚱蜢
4、impalpable fabric───不可触及织物
5、palp nyc───帕尔普纽约
6、impalpable definition───不可触及的定义
7、palp b2───触诊b2
10、palp lab───触诊实验室
1、She carried her heroism to the pitch of knitting socks for the forthcoming baby, although to do so made her heart palpitate uncomfortably.───她自告奋勇地为即将出生的婴儿编织袜子,虽然做这件事也使得她的心不安地突突狂跳。
2、is giddy palpitate handled after drunk wine?───醉酒后头晕心慌怎么处理呢?
3、Long stretches of the palpitate after throbbing, next endless, the fall of rain more than they had ever.───延绵的秋雨一悸又一悸,下个没完没了,今年秋季的雨水比往年多了许多。
4、He felt suddenly faint, and his heart began to palpitate.───他突然感到晕厥,心脏也开始悸动。
5、The air of the sleeping-chamber seemed to palpitate with the hopeless passion of the two of singers.───睡觉的空气室似乎心跳的激情与绝望的两个歌手。
6、The thought of flying makes me palpitate.───一想到飞行我就心情紧张。
7、The film is like this too, men and women palpitate with excitement together, the spark of the love is lighted in a flash.───电影也是如此,男女一起,怦然心动,一瞬间爱情的火花被点燃。
8、Tap the beat-up by the weekend, the heart palpitate looked up , the last strong open our bleary eyes.───周末被乒乒乓乓的敲打声惊醒,心脏突突跳得厉害,不得已强睁开惺忪的睡眼。
9、The is in the middle you see from the writing oneself of sadness, see oneself of wound and flounder, antinomy and palpitate.───从文字当中你看到自己的忧伤,看到自己的伤口与挣扎,矛盾与悸动。