1、Heat butter in a frying pan and put in the bread slice template. Crack an egg into the heart-shaped hole, fry up and serve on the toast.───在煎锅中加热黄油,然后放入面包薄片模子。将一个鸡蛋打到心形状的洞里,将其煎熟,再放在烤面包上上菜。
2、Gently tap the egg shells with the back of a teaspoon and crack the shells.───用茶匙轻轻敲打蛋壳,使蛋壳破裂。
3、Crack an egg into the heart-shaped hole, fry up and serve on the toast.───这个心形的空缺处打一只鸡蛋,并将其油煎一下,最后放在吐司上。
egg crack(意思翻译)
egg crack(相似词语短语)
1、smoking crack───吸食KeKaYin
2、crack whore───XiDuJiNv(俚语)
3、egg egg treat───鸡蛋-鸡蛋处理
4、get crack───快来吧
5、crack baby───KeKaYin成瘾的婴孩(这种毒瘾是在母亲妊娠时期染上的),毒瘾婴儿;n.KeKaYin成瘾的婴儿
6、a crack───裂缝
8、parallels crack───平行裂纹
egg crack(双语使用场景)
1、Heat butter in a frying pan and put in the bread slice template. Crack an egg into the heart-shaped hole, fry up and serve on the toast.───在煎锅中加热黄油,然后放入面包薄片模子。将一个鸡蛋打到心形状的洞里,将其煎熟,再放在烤面包上上菜。
2、Gently tap the egg shells with the back of a teaspoon and crack the shells.───用茶匙轻轻敲打蛋壳,使蛋壳破裂。
3、Crack an egg into the heart-shaped hole, fry up and serve on the toast.───这个心形的空缺处打一只鸡蛋,并将其油煎一下,最后放在吐司上。