1、"Anemic" galaxy NGC 4921 belongs to a class of galaxies in which star formation is nearly absent, giving it a haunting translucency.───“贫血”星系NGC4921属于这样一类星系,在这类星系中几乎不存在恒星形成,它只是一个萦绕的半透明物。
2、Translucency might be a better term.───半透明或许是更合适的措词。
3、Properly known as 'translucency', alpha causes each pixel in the source image to be only partially opaque.───如大家所知的“半透明”,alpha让源图像的每个像素只有部分不透明。
4、Objective To find suitable critical value of fetal nuchal translucency (NT) by ultrasonic testing.───目的通过超声检查寻找合适的胎儿颈项皮肤厚度 (N T)临界值。
5、Well , Translucency is one of those phenomenon that goes a bit beyond your everyday Lambertian diffuse .───那么,这些现象是半透明多少超越你天天朗伯漫。
6、After that, I worked on getting transparency and translucency better, so the water and the tree shadows looked as expected.───在那以后,我更好地得到透明度和半透明模拟运行工作,因此看到了游戏中预期的水和树阴影的显示。
7、Another feature of this kind of light is that it reveals transparency, translucency and any fine detail or texture along rim-lit edges.───这种光的另一个特征是它沿着边点燃的边缘显示透明度,半透明性和任何好的细节或者质地。
8、Fixed translucency quality option not updating when opening options menu.───固定半透明质量选择不更新时打开选项菜单。
9、All ceramic crown mimics the translucency and reflection property of natural teeth, so it has excellent aesthetic effects.───对光线的反射和散射更接近于天然牙,具有卓越的美观效果。
1、Color - use this color swatch to set the translucency color.
2、Objective To find suitable critical value of fetal nuchal translucency (NT) by ultrasonic testing.
3、Nephrite pebbles show up by their colour and translucency much more clearly when viewed through flowing water than they do when dry.
4、Perfectly cooked fish should flake easily and be opaque the faintest amount of translucency the middle.
5、It also supports fog, color density, translucency , fluorescence, and other special effects.
6、Methods Fetal nuchal translucency thickness was measured between 11-14 weeks of gestation with serial follow-up ultrasound examinations.
7、His body seemed to have not only the weakness of a jelly, but its translucency.
8、Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and create good sentences.
9、The pastes properties of banana starch such as translucency , retrogradation and freeze - thaw were studied.
1、translation studies bassnett───翻译研究bassnett
2、wing dings translator───斜拉机
3、forzando translation───福占多翻译
4、gibberish translator───胡言乱语翻译
5、assignat translation───转让翻译
6、time translation───时间平移
7、deshabille translation───德ShaBi利翻译
8、coucher translate───coucher翻译
9、loosely translated───粗略地翻译(translated是translate的过去分词)
10、begierde translation───期望的翻译
1、"Anemic" galaxy NGC 4921 belongs to a class of galaxies in which star formation is nearly absent, giving it a haunting translucency.───“贫血”星系NGC4921属于这样一类星系,在这类星系中几乎不存在恒星形成,它只是一个萦绕的半透明物。
2、Translucency might be a better term.───半透明或许是更合适的措词。
3、Properly known as 'translucency', alpha causes each pixel in the source image to be only partially opaque.───如大家所知的“半透明”,alpha让源图像的每个像素只有部分不透明。
4、Objective To find suitable critical value of fetal nuchal translucency (NT) by ultrasonic testing.───目的通过超声检查寻找合适的胎儿颈项皮肤厚度 (N T)临界值。
5、Well , Translucency is one of those phenomenon that goes a bit beyond your everyday Lambertian diffuse .───那么,这些现象是半透明多少超越你天天朗伯漫。
6、After that, I worked on getting transparency and translucency better, so the water and the tree shadows looked as expected.───在那以后,我更好地得到透明度和半透明模拟运行工作,因此看到了游戏中预期的水和树阴影的显示。
7、Another feature of this kind of light is that it reveals transparency, translucency and any fine detail or texture along rim-lit edges.───这种光的另一个特征是它沿着边点燃的边缘显示透明度,半透明性和任何好的细节或者质地。
8、Fixed translucency quality option not updating when opening options menu.───固定半透明质量选择不更新时打开选项菜单。
9、All ceramic crown mimics the translucency and reflection property of natural teeth, so it has excellent aesthetic effects.───对光线的反射和散射更接近于天然牙,具有卓越的美观效果。
1、Color - use this color swatch to set the translucency color.
2、Objective To find suitable critical value of fetal nuchal translucency (NT) by ultrasonic testing.
3、Nephrite pebbles show up by their colour and translucency much more clearly when viewed through flowing water than they do when dry.
4、Perfectly cooked fish should flake easily and be opaque the faintest amount of translucency the middle.
5、It also supports fog, color density, translucency , fluorescence, and other special effects.
6、Methods Fetal nuchal translucency thickness was measured between 11-14 weeks of gestation with serial follow-up ultrasound examinations.
7、His body seemed to have not only the weakness of a jelly, but its translucency.
8、Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and create good sentences.
9、The pastes properties of banana starch such as translucency , retrogradation and freeze - thaw were studied.