9、course of study───研究课程; 学程; 学科; 作业进程;学科;学习的进程;研究课程
course of disease(双语使用场景)
1、Time of seeking medical advice is related with course of disease and time of being in hospital.───就诊时间与发病病程、住院天数的长短关联度较高;
2、Researchers hope such animals will help scientists track the course of disease via fluorescence.───研究人员希望这些动物将会帮助科学家通过荧光追踪疾病的进程。
3、The course of disease and ligaments disease can affect the result of operation.───病程长短、韧带合并症均对手术效果有影响。
4、There was positive linear correlation of course of disease, triglyceride and glycated hemoglobin, but fasting blood glucose.───病程、GanYou三酯、糖化血红蛋白与神经传导速度变化有相关性,与空腹血糖无相关性。
5、Conclusion Suitable nursing intervention can give play to the course of disease and help the patients recover from illness earlier.───结论适当的护理干预能发挥积极心理状态在疾病转归中的作用,促进病人早日康复。
6、Conclusions Elder patients with less education and longer course of disease have severe cognitive impairment.───结论年龄大、教育程度低、病程长的患者认知功能损害重。
7、Conclusion (1) The patients with psoriasis may have catabasis during the course of disease at some degree.───结论(1)银屑病患者在发病过程中具有一定的缓解期(临床痊愈);
8、Cryptosporidium bailey i is of more serious pathogenicity and longer course of disease, but lower death rate.───贝氏隐孢子虫有较强致病性,而且病程较长,但其致死率较低。
9、TCM very emphasize to grasp the course of disease and pathologic change with the concept of lasting movement in clinical diagnosis.───中医学在临床诊断过程中非常强调以恒动观念来把握疾病过程及病理变化。
course of disease(英语使用场景)
1、The phenomenon of vascularization are almost showed during the early period both the course of disease and the degeneration of cervical discs and it is a self-repair mechanism of cervical discs.
2、Methods The data from 115 stroke patients who were evaluated by SAS and SDS, on age, course of disease, sexuality, stroke frequency and myodynamia, were analyzed statistically.
3、Objective To study the relationship between patients′ age, course of disease, severity of synovial plicae and severity of chondral injuries.
4、It is a common breast disease natural course of disease in various countries it will self-limited more than postmenopausal ease.
5、Conclusion Surgical debridement for pyoderma gangr enosum can accelerate the repairing of the ulcer, alleviate pain and shorten the course of disease.
6、Corelation between iron content and age, course of disease, EDSS scores, episodes were analyzed in NMO group.
7、Mainly rare smooth muscle tumor, a longer course of disease, dysphagia more intermittent.
8、Common course of disease comes a few weeks a few months, but also have last more than 10 years irreclaimable person.
9、The features of clinical manifestations of REP might be classified into 3 stages:early response, resting of the disease and delayed response in the light of the course of disease.
course of disease(意思翻译)
course of disease(相似词语短语)
1、course of action───做法;行动步骤;做法,行动过程,一连串行动
3、matter of course───n.必然发生的事;理所当然的事
4、discreetly of course───当然要小心
5、situations of course───当然是情况
6、of course───当然,自然; 敢情; 自是; 理当;一定,当然
7、course of───课程
8、the course of───……的课程;过程中
9、course of study───研究课程; 学程; 学科; 作业进程;学科;学习的进程;研究课程
course of disease(双语使用场景)
1、Time of seeking medical advice is related with course of disease and time of being in hospital.───就诊时间与发病病程、住院天数的长短关联度较高;
2、Researchers hope such animals will help scientists track the course of disease via fluorescence.───研究人员希望这些动物将会帮助科学家通过荧光追踪疾病的进程。
3、The course of disease and ligaments disease can affect the result of operation.───病程长短、韧带合并症均对手术效果有影响。
4、There was positive linear correlation of course of disease, triglyceride and glycated hemoglobin, but fasting blood glucose.───病程、GanYou三酯、糖化血红蛋白与神经传导速度变化有相关性,与空腹血糖无相关性。
5、Conclusion Suitable nursing intervention can give play to the course of disease and help the patients recover from illness earlier.───结论适当的护理干预能发挥积极心理状态在疾病转归中的作用,促进病人早日康复。
6、Conclusions Elder patients with less education and longer course of disease have severe cognitive impairment.───结论年龄大、教育程度低、病程长的患者认知功能损害重。
7、Conclusion (1) The patients with psoriasis may have catabasis during the course of disease at some degree.───结论(1)银屑病患者在发病过程中具有一定的缓解期(临床痊愈);
8、Cryptosporidium bailey i is of more serious pathogenicity and longer course of disease, but lower death rate.───贝氏隐孢子虫有较强致病性,而且病程较长,但其致死率较低。
9、TCM very emphasize to grasp the course of disease and pathologic change with the concept of lasting movement in clinical diagnosis.───中医学在临床诊断过程中非常强调以恒动观念来把握疾病过程及病理变化。
course of disease(英语使用场景)
1、The phenomenon of vascularization are almost showed during the early period both the course of disease and the degeneration of cervical discs and it is a self-repair mechanism of cervical discs.
2、Methods The data from 115 stroke patients who were evaluated by SAS and SDS, on age, course of disease, sexuality, stroke frequency and myodynamia, were analyzed statistically.
3、Objective To study the relationship between patients′ age, course of disease, severity of synovial plicae and severity of chondral injuries.
4、It is a common breast disease natural course of disease in various countries it will self-limited more than postmenopausal ease.
5、Conclusion Surgical debridement for pyoderma gangr enosum can accelerate the repairing of the ulcer, alleviate pain and shorten the course of disease.
6、Corelation between iron content and age, course of disease, EDSS scores, episodes were analyzed in NMO group.
7、Mainly rare smooth muscle tumor, a longer course of disease, dysphagia more intermittent.
8、Common course of disease comes a few weeks a few months, but also have last more than 10 years irreclaimable person.
9、The features of clinical manifestations of REP might be classified into 3 stages:early response, resting of the disease and delayed response in the light of the course of disease.