1、Jay Payne makes the extraordinary pictures using incense sticks, his camera and Photoshop - all in the comfort of his own living room.───在自己的起居室里,杰伊费恩用香、摄影机以及Photoshop创造出了这些与众不同的图片。
2、Ms. Payne said she was honoured to accept the appointment and looked forward to its challenges.───佩恩女士说她很荣幸接受这一任命,并期待着它所带来的挑战。
3、For instance, the memory details that seem to get remembered best are often the most emotional ones, Payne said.───Payne表示,例如,印象最深刻的东西一般都是情感上最敏感的。
4、Jackson reassured Ortega that he was working at home with choreographer Travis Payne and was up on his dance moves.───杰克逊向渥太格保证他与舞美师特拉维斯.佩恩一起在家里工作,对他的舞步也很熟悉了。
5、November 1941 Payne was seriously ill with pneumonia.───11月,佩恩患了严重的肺炎。
6、"That's where the shocking, sort of draw-dropping concentrations exist, " Mr Payne said.───“令人震惊的是,污染物浓度呈抽脂-滴落状,”佩恩说。
7、Dr. Payne led Lana back into the examination room and told her she was seeing things.───佩恩医生把拉娜带回检查室并告诉她这是她的视觉幻象。
8、"It wasn't one of my great races, " said Payne. "I kind of got out of control, but I was able to pick it up on the last few hurdles. "───“我跑得并不好,”佩恩说,“我有点失去控制了,不过在最后几个栏时我又找回了节奏。”
9、Mr Payne said whales absorb the contaminants and passed them on to the next generation when a female nurses her calf.───佩恩说,鲸鱼吸食了污染物,雌鱼哺育幼鱼时又传给下一代。
1、Payne lost his driving licence a year ago for drink-driving.
2、Payne dealt in the risky syndicated property market.
3、Then eight-year-old Sarah Payne went missing.
4、Dr Payne led Lana back into the examination room and told her she was seeing things.
5、Payne has mastered the art of friendship.
6、In November 1941 Payne was seriously ill with pneumonia.
7、It demonstrated that Payne was no longer a novice.
8、At age 34, Payne underwent triple bypass surgery.
1、bailey payne───贝利·佩恩。
2、arnee payne───阿尼·佩恩。
3、celestine payne───塞莱斯汀佩恩
1、Jay Payne makes the extraordinary pictures using incense sticks, his camera and Photoshop - all in the comfort of his own living room.───在自己的起居室里,杰伊费恩用香、摄影机以及Photoshop创造出了这些与众不同的图片。
2、Ms. Payne said she was honoured to accept the appointment and looked forward to its challenges.───佩恩女士说她很荣幸接受这一任命,并期待着它所带来的挑战。
3、For instance, the memory details that seem to get remembered best are often the most emotional ones, Payne said.───Payne表示,例如,印象最深刻的东西一般都是情感上最敏感的。
4、Jackson reassured Ortega that he was working at home with choreographer Travis Payne and was up on his dance moves.───杰克逊向渥太格保证他与舞美师特拉维斯.佩恩一起在家里工作,对他的舞步也很熟悉了。
5、November 1941 Payne was seriously ill with pneumonia.───11月,佩恩患了严重的肺炎。
6、"That's where the shocking, sort of draw-dropping concentrations exist, " Mr Payne said.───“令人震惊的是,污染物浓度呈抽脂-滴落状,”佩恩说。
7、Dr. Payne led Lana back into the examination room and told her she was seeing things.───佩恩医生把拉娜带回检查室并告诉她这是她的视觉幻象。
8、"It wasn't one of my great races, " said Payne. "I kind of got out of control, but I was able to pick it up on the last few hurdles. "───“我跑得并不好,”佩恩说,“我有点失去控制了,不过在最后几个栏时我又找回了节奏。”
9、Mr Payne said whales absorb the contaminants and passed them on to the next generation when a female nurses her calf.───佩恩说,鲸鱼吸食了污染物,雌鱼哺育幼鱼时又传给下一代。
1、Payne lost his driving licence a year ago for drink-driving.
2、Payne dealt in the risky syndicated property market.
3、Then eight-year-old Sarah Payne went missing.
4、Dr Payne led Lana back into the examination room and told her she was seeing things.
5、Payne has mastered the art of friendship.
6、In November 1941 Payne was seriously ill with pneumonia.
7、It demonstrated that Payne was no longer a novice.
8、At age 34, Payne underwent triple bypass surgery.
9、Payne later expanded on his initial statement.