1、Aeronaut John Steiner inflates his hot air balloon at Erie, Pennsylvania, as seen in the oldest known photograph of an aircraft, a quarter-plate ambrotype taken in June 1857.───气球驾驶员约翰·斯坦纳在宾夕法尼亚州伊利为自己的热气球充气。 图为最古老的飞行器照片,摄于1857年,采用的是四分之一感光底片旧式照相法。
2、The tub allowed workers to unfurl and photograph specimens without exposing them to air for long.───这种有机玻璃桶可以让工作人员在展示和拍摄标本的同时,避免标本长时间暴露在空气中。
3、This photograph by Adnan Hajj, a Lebanese photographer, showed thick black smoke rising above buildings in the Lebanese capital after an Israeli air raid.───这张由黎巴嫩摄影师阿德南·哈吉拍摄的照片显示,在以色列空袭后,黎巴嫩首都的建筑物上升起浓浓的黑烟。
air photograph(英语使用场景)
1、The use of photogrammetry lies principally in interpretation of features visible on the air photograph.
air photograph(意思翻译)
air photograph(相似词语短语)
1、air gas air───空气气体空气
2、color photograph───彩色照片
3、photograph overview───照片概述
5、photograph album───相册,影集
6、photograph song───摄影歌曲
7、photograph ed sheeran───埃德·希兰摄
9、photograph chords───摄影和弦
air photograph(双语使用场景)
1、Aeronaut John Steiner inflates his hot air balloon at Erie, Pennsylvania, as seen in the oldest known photograph of an aircraft, a quarter-plate ambrotype taken in June 1857.───气球驾驶员约翰·斯坦纳在宾夕法尼亚州伊利为自己的热气球充气。 图为最古老的飞行器照片,摄于1857年,采用的是四分之一感光底片旧式照相法。
2、The tub allowed workers to unfurl and photograph specimens without exposing them to air for long.───这种有机玻璃桶可以让工作人员在展示和拍摄标本的同时,避免标本长时间暴露在空气中。
3、This photograph by Adnan Hajj, a Lebanese photographer, showed thick black smoke rising above buildings in the Lebanese capital after an Israeli air raid.───这张由黎巴嫩摄影师阿德南·哈吉拍摄的照片显示,在以色列空袭后,黎巴嫩首都的建筑物上升起浓浓的黑烟。
air photograph(英语使用场景)
1、The use of photogrammetry lies principally in interpretation of features visible on the air photograph.