1、Dr. Craven started in actual alarm and Mrs. Medlock almost fell back because he had accidentally bumped against her.───克雷文医生着实吓了一跳,他不小心撞到了梅德洛克太太,害得她差点摔倒。
2、Dr. Payne led Lana back into the examination room and told her she was seeing things.───佩恩医生把拉娜带回检查室并告诉她这是她的视觉幻象。
3、Now biologists like Dr. Etheridge are digging into the scientific texts that accompanied her art.───现在,埃瑟里奇博士等生物学家正在深入研究与她作品相关的科学文献。
dr her(意思翻译)
dr her(相似词语短语)
1、deas dr───对,医生
2、her her───她,她
3、hillock dr───hillock博士
4、dr ver───far博士
5、bankside dr───岸边dr
6、Dr wmum───wmum博士
7、eleusis dr───eleusis博士
8、dr fauci───Fauci博士。
9、casal dr───夫妻医生
dr her(双语使用场景)
1、Dr. Craven started in actual alarm and Mrs. Medlock almost fell back because he had accidentally bumped against her.───克雷文医生着实吓了一跳,他不小心撞到了梅德洛克太太,害得她差点摔倒。
2、Dr. Payne led Lana back into the examination room and told her she was seeing things.───佩恩医生把拉娜带回检查室并告诉她这是她的视觉幻象。
3、Now biologists like Dr. Etheridge are digging into the scientific texts that accompanied her art.───现在,埃瑟里奇博士等生物学家正在深入研究与她作品相关的科学文献。